Just keep going...

Jan 23, 2004 12:01

Yesterday I "wasted" nearly the entire day. Okay, not wasted if the exercise I wrote for Rachel actually turns into a story..but as far as non-fiction?


I think part of it is that I'm getting disheartened. I sent out a bunch of queries over the past month, and haven't gotten any replies. I'm learning that, when the answer is yes, editors tend to reply right away. For whatever reason, they stall on the "Nos." Add to that seeing other writers garnering acceptances, and it's enough to want to quit. Not that I would. This too shall pass, I'm sure. And I don't mean to whine--really, I don't.

On the positive side, I received a really nice critique from someone at the Online Writer's WOrkshop for Fantasy and Science Fiction. THAT was heartening. My story, Intergalactic Cowtipping, still needs some work, but I hope to begin submitting it by the end of February. And if this story I started with Rachel works out, it will be my first professional foray into Fantasy. (Unless you count "The Morning Muse," which I don't.)

I'm off to figure out how to add Alex and Nicole to my friend's list here.

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