Feb 08, 2004 22:23
Miraculously, my article on the Queen Mary 2's AV systems is complete. Between the flood, my fiasco at DMV and Snuggles being put to sleep, I just haven't been able to write for the past few days. On top of that, this was one of the most challenging pieces I've ever had to write. I have to get approval from Cunard Lines, Ltd's. Public Relations people to even submit the story; it's a high-profile venue that will make a fantastic clip; and there was a 400 page equipment list, showing 50 different venues with AV systems.
I had to select three or four. This story was huge, in every way. Add to it rumors that the QM2, itself, is cursed, based on an accident that resulted in 15 deaths before the ship even left port, and I just had an all-around bad feeling.
Then, last night during dinner at Appleby's (where they hang random pop culture and historical references on the walls) we found ourselves seated directly beneath a poster of the Titanic. I realized that it left from Southampton, England--the same port the QM2 departed for its maiden voyage. TJ assured me that a passenger liner/cruise ship hasn't sunk since World War II. That made me feel better, but not enough to sit down and write the story.
Last night, I had multiple dreams about editors. Every Editor I had ever worked for appeared and said, "Where's my story, Dawn? Where's my story?" It was crazy. My friend, Rachel, says it would make a great short story. I think it's evidence that I'm insane. Needless to say, I did not sleep well last night.
So today, I had enough. I beat that force Steven Pressfield calls Resistance in his book "The War of Art," and sat down to finish the damn story. It took me four hours. Four hours to write just under 4,000 words. Not bad, huh? Probably half the time was spent scrolling through the equipment list for the product names. And another portion of that time (I'm not sure how much) was spent chatting on AIM. So basically, I wasted FIVE DAYS of my life worrying about a project that took me LESS THAN FOUR HOURS.
I let it sit for a few hours while I cooked dinner and ate, then re-read it, tweaked it a little bit and sent it off. It's not half bad, either.
Have I learned my lesson? Probably not. That's why I'm posting this. Maybe someone else will learn from my experience, 'cuz I'm too damn stubborn.
I'm off to procrastinate on my next story now.