Balance and RoundUpdate

Jan 22, 2011 16:53

So here it is. The day after I picked up my beautiful new car, and I can't celebrate it with anyone. The bad that went with the good is this: I've got bronchitis, confirmed by a doctor-type man. I wasn't even able to work today to help pay for the thing.

So instead of showing off to various friends, and feasting and toasting my little new prize, alas! I'm stuck in bed, alternating between roasting internally and freezing my tookus off, weak as a kitten.

How's that for the yin and yang of life? No good without a dash of bad.


The positive of being laid-up is I get to blog, something I rarely have time to catch up on. So many things happen daily that I mean to record and then the moment passes.

Let us travel back now...

To Halloween:
Where I spent a fine weekend cooking and carving pumpkins at the top of Chalk Mountain. That was a holiday to remember.

To the HHH Bash:
Where I actually got to dress up in a couple's costume with a date for the first time.

To Thanksgiving:
Where I spent the day visiting with various adopted family members.

To Christmas:
Spent with more adopted family members, and where I raked in many undeserved goodies like a common thief.

To New Year's Eve:
Where I received one more last Christmas surprise, and spend the transition at a bowling alley in fine style (with free pizza, pool, video games, rock climbing, and herds of 14 year old kids.) And received a proper New Year's Eve kiss.

Aaaaaaaand to present, where I've been working every day since New Year's Day, and with gratitude. With the exception of the untimely break-in of my car, I had been staying busy and loving it; no time to sit down and feel sorry for anything really, much less myself.

I'm happiest when I'm with purpose.


Which brings us back to being stuck in bed, useless. Oh I plan to get up now and again. I figure I can squeeze in laundry and a few other tasks I've been putting off without straining my lungs too much. --> Like setting up the 2TB external I got for Christmas. Or ripping CD's. Or making that mix I promised Jason. Or exploring my fabulous new Mac Mini and its rival-sibling partitions. Or doing my taxes...

Oh! the fun never stops for me.

I also may already have a buyer for my old Nissan. Yay! 3 months worth of car payments makes me a happy girl.

I was supposed to hit the flower shops this week to try to find part time temporary work. If I can't get better soon that ain't gonna happen.

Hmmmm, what are some other rainy-day tasks I can do?

How about:

* Catching up on FB
* Give myself some long-awaited henna
* Catch up on a bit of reading
* Catch up on a good movie
* Catch up on playing Angry Birds
* Organize some more of my digital files
* Work on my online portfolio
* Finish creating my website(s)

Now ask me how many of those I'll actually get done this weekend... :p

personality, roundups, musings, illness, computers

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