Have just had a lovely week in Lanzarote with M. We did nothing but eat, sleep and read. 15 novels in 8 days isn't too excessive is it?
I missed all of the WBN activities but did manage (mostly) to read all 25 books by the end of March 5th full details here www.norfolkbookworm.blogspot.com.
Have looked at the census form now but think the meme is far more interesting!
2011- married to M for 21/2 years, still living in our terrace in Norwich. Working as a library manager (in one of the few counties that is prioritising libraries and refusing to close them!) About to turn 34
2001- have been living with M for 5 years in our Norwich terrace house. Working as a bookseller for Ottakar's. About to turn 24
1991- in the 3rd year of seconday school (and the 1st at Grammar School) picking my GCSEs. Living at home in Kennington, Ashford with my parents and my sister. About to turn 14
1981 - living at home with parents, moved to the house where I lived until I was 18 in 1977. Mum 5 months pregnant with what turned out to be my sister! About to turn 4
1971 - parents planning their wedding ( they married in the October.
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