Being a mod is not easy!
I ran into a really sucky member at
trio_stillness while checking if people voted for themselves (which I admit I rarely do, mostly because I haven't encountered any problems before), I realize that
veryevilpoptart did vote for her/himself. I went to have a look at the previous voting and realize she/he voted for her/himself there too, but this person also used its icon journal username
poptarticons to vote for her/himself.
I have asked this person to correct her/his vote, but I got no response to that. As I see this wasn't an honest mistake, I decided to remove the member. The worst part? The icons were quite good, so this person had absolutely no need to do that at all!
Now I'm stucked not knowing what to do with the voting, which is quite unpleasant. I don't wanna be one of those mods that scrap votings and ask members to go through it all over again. It's the reason why I left some communities myself.