Title: Happy Endings (AtS)
everysingleway wrote: I haven't read any nice AtS fic in a very long time time. As for a theme...Hmm. Let's go with (somewhat following the icons text of fairytales) "no such thing as a happy ending." And as for rating, go crazy. I'm not picky. I'll read any rating. Because I'm a sucker for angst.
Note: Inspired in the Fairytales icon I'm using now.
Pairing: Cordelia/Wesley (references to Wes/Fred, Wes/Lilah, Cordy/Groo, etc...)
Spoilers: BtVS: S3 - AtS: all seasons
Rating: PG
Sitting in the dimly lit room, watching her sleep, he smiled as he remembered the first time he saw her. She literally took his breath away. Of course, he was quite unexperienced with women and the ones he had been in touch with at the watcher's council didn't have her smile, her long and silky hair, or her perfect curves, for that matter.
She had seemed quite enthralled with him as well, although he had no rational explanation for such thing. Well, probably it was all about the accent, but she could have shown interest in Giles if that were the case. Well, at least that what was he liked telling himself back in the day.
When he got the courage to do something about it, that horrible, lame, pittiful excuse for a kiss happened, and it was over before it even began. They parted in the best terms and he thought he'd never see her again.
It didn't mean he ever stopped thinking about her.
Time passed (not much time) and they met again in the city of Angels. Cordelia Chase had moved there to follow her dream of becoming an actress and had ended up working for Angel instead. Of course, he only found out that long after he recovered from the wonderful, passionate, open-mouthed, engine starting kiss that she gave him when he entered Angel's office.
He thought that was finally the beginning, but it turned out to be an experiment of some sort.
More time passed and he watched her date guys that didn't appreciate her for who she was. He decided to try the dating thing himself and they grew apart as the days, weeks and months went by. But only romantically speaking, because their bond was strong by then and they could trust one another with their lives. Or so he thought.
Later that year she went missing, fell into an alternate dimension and fell in love with the Groosalugh. Welsey got his Pylean souvenir as well, although Fred didn't fall for him as he expected. That was when things began to get complicated.
"You know, there was a time when you thought I was the loveliest thing in the world," she once had said.
"Well, I... You're an extraordinary woman. I..." he had stammered in response, knowing that there was no point in denying there was another woman filling his daily thoughts, but not knowing how to explain that he didn't know what had gone wrong when it came to them. They would have made a beautiful team, but once the moment is over there's hardly anything to do.
A few months after that she went missing again and he was set aside by his friends. But even when he was all alone and sleeping with the enemy, he never stopped looking for her. And the day Angel came, he gave him all the information he had gathered, because he had nothing else to offer.
Deep inside he knew that his biggest mistake had been not to talk to her. She had been busy with the Groosalugh, Angel, the baby, the hotel and the visions that were supposed to lead the way. But she would have had time for him if he had asked her. Just like he would have had time for her if she ever wanted him.
But he took the lonely road and everything went to hell, which in their case it usually seemed to be literal.
Sometimes, when he's recalling the past in the dimly lit room, he likes to imagine that things went differently. The first kiss is still not what they expected (although he tweaks it here and there to make it seem less pathetic). The second kiss is the beginning.
She pulls away from him, surprised when she recognizes him. She tries to explain she's trying to get rid of the visions in the same way she received them, but he doesn't really listen. He can only stare at her lips and think that they were made to kiss his as he savors her lingering taste. He closes the space between them and kisses her again, cutting all explanation.
This time, she doesn't push him away. She actually thanks him for making it all better, the way it should have been.
A soft beeping alarm goes off to indicate visiting hours are over and he's suddenly brought back to reality. The reality in which the Pylean princess lies in a hospital bed, buried alive in eternal sleep.
He wonders if a kiss could be all she needs to come back and he bends over and presses his lips against hers. It's not passionate, mind-blowing and sweet. It's a kiss full of love, but it's also so chaste, sour and helpless that could never bring her back.
As he watches her, still lying there, deep in slumber, he learns one more thing: there's no such thing as a happy ending.
+ Mistakes are mine
+ AtS is Joss'. He killed C/W. Go burn his house.
+ The dialog is from Waiting in the Wings, AtS - season 3