OOC Contact and Permissions Post for Counted Stars

Nov 08, 2011 00:58

This post is to serve as an OOC contact option for other players, as well as a permissions post for Lion-O's IC actions toward other characters, their environment, or intentions.

In the Counted Stars game universe, some of Lion-O's abilities (related to "Sight Beyond Sight") have been translated to Force-related abilities. Specifically, he is a Force-sensitive, naturally adept with sense-based abilities, such as precognition or farseeing.

This means, that at times (theoretically more often as he gains experience and practice) Lion-O would have the ability to do things like:

Sense a nearby character's next action in or out of battle
Respond with his best mental and physical speed to sensed actions, as, or before, they happen
Sense some events an indeterminate amount of time in the future (Like, see the image of someone who will show up in the next few days)
Sense the location of something nearby, but hidden
Sense an event or person or thing in a distant place

As a general guide, if the person, action, event or action is related to Lion-O himself, he will be more likely to see it, as opposed to those things which have no impact or relation to his life. So, even with blanket permission, Lion-O wouldn't likely see everything another character will do. There's also some level of concentration needed, so that it's possible for threats to himself to go unseen.

Feel free to comment here with any OOC questions or suggestions, or to give specific permissions for use of Lion-O's abilities, regarding your characters.

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counted stars

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