J and I are doing well; his treatment is going quite well so far, and I've been quilting like mad and have actually sent a few tops off to the quilters. We've been in one place since the middle of June, which is great for the quilting and the healthcare but not so good for the wanderlust. I think it’s our longest stretch in one venue (including time spent at our house in Pennsylvania) since 2009, when we started to travel seriously with the RV.
But that’s going to change (at least a little) in November, when we’ll be off to the central valley for a couple of months. Then in the New Year, God willing, we’ll be able to resume our vagabond lifestyle. In between now and then, though, there are quite a few things to clean up and sort out before we can head out on the open road. In our long stint in this campground we’ve pulled the foam dividers from the dish stacks, piled things willy-nilly in the basement, and had several new pieces of equipment delivered to our temporary-permanent address.
Over the course of the coming month, I want to buckle down and get to some of the chores which will be much easier done before we start traveling again. The ceiling fan needs to be replaced, light bulbs need to be checked and swapped, the basement needs a good reorganization, and I want to finally install the bike rack on the back of the truck so the bikes can ride there rather than in the kitchen. The fresh water tank is overdue for sanitizing, and with colder weather coming on the heater vents and the furnace need to be cleaned out and fired up.
The rig needs some professional TLC, too; we’ll have a mechanic out to check the tires and brakes and lube the springs while we’re still here in Gilroy.
So I’m hereby declaring October patch-up and prep month, and when the time comes in November we’ll be ready to roll. We’re already eager; we have a little time between treatment regimens in November and we’re hoping to take a weekend and go down to wine country for some R&R.
I hope everyone is ready for Fall and enjoying some cooler weather wherever you may be!