In a pretty pleasant change from the summer and fall, not much has been going on since I posted last. We made our way to Hot Springs to spend the holidays with J’s family and had a great time.
In November we camped at the National Park campground in Gulpha Gorge, lost power briefly when a tree came down in the campground, and watched the creek closely -- there were flash flood warnings for the area for two or three days as it rained and rained and rained. What with one thing and another, we were at Gulpha Gorge (a small and absolutely beautiful campground tucked into a dell in the gorge.) for almost three weeks around Thanksgiving.
We took a brief trip to Texas to visit a friend of J’s; unfortunately that fell through as we were driving down there. That was ok, the very pleasant urban campground we were in was just a block from the hardware store, so we profitable occupied our time getting our cell booster set up and working. That required a fair amount of jury-rigging, to adapt a through the roof antenna to the top of the flagpole and so on, resulting in daily and sometimes twice daily visits to Lowes.
My computer finally succumbed to its heat issues; after two days of playing the early release of the Star Wars the Old Republic MMORPG the graphics card literally melted off the motherboard. The computer had always run hot, and the extra load on the graphics card was just too much for the soldered connections. I was without a computer for two weeks or so while the one we ordered was shipped to my MIL’s, along with the various Christmas presents and projects.
Between the parcels of food ordered for the Thanksgiving feast (Broadbent’s Hams delivers!), the packages of project items for the rig (cell booster, replacement ceiling fan, etc.), the Christmas presents, the quilt from the long arm quilter, and my computer, my MIL says that she and the UPS guy are on a first name basis.
In mid-December we went into Cloud Nine RV Park for a month. We stayed there in March of last year when we were finding a house for Jackie and we really like the campground. It’s just a nice small campground on the flat top of a hill, and the people are really friendly and the park is pretty. The monthly rate is excellent, and I’d arranged to have some dental work done around the end of the year so the longer stay would work out for us.
It was a nice time. Christmas was great; some friends of Jackie’s came over for dinner and we all enjoyed the day very much. New Year’s Eve was quiet; I was halfway through the dental stuff so off solid food and alcohol. We didn’t even try to stay up till midnight.
In January I got some work done on quilting and projects around the rig. The weather turned enough colder and windier that I didn’t get as much done as I wanted. We denned up and played SWTOR, visited Jackie, and waited out the term until my last dental check. Once that was done and I was cleared, we were both eager to be off again.