Massive Friends List Purge: Explanation, details

May 30, 2012 22:01

Hola. Just did a humongous friends list purge. If you notice you were removed, it's for one of the following reasons:

1. You never post anymore, nor comment on my posts, so I think you (like so many) have left LJ for other social media.
2. You are active on LJ, but never comment on my posts so I'm not sure if you're reading them and if not, why bother to stay friended to each other, right?
3. I looked at your LJ user name just now and said, "Who the fuck is that?"
4. You never friended me back, or removed me as a friend at some point.
5. We used to be close, seem not to be these days, I don't comment on your posts, you don't comment on mine, I find myself skipping your posts and I never get comments from you, so it seems like we probably have both grown apart and are no longer involved in each others lives.
6. I have attempted to connect to you, commented on your posts, invited you into my life and you never reciprocated. No hard feelings, but I won't be wasting any more of my energy on people who don't reach back.

If you were removed, and you are not sure which category (1-6) caused me to remove you, please feel free to PM me to ask, I promise I will tell you, honest, no drama. If you were removed and are not happy that you were removed and would like me to add you back, please contact me privately (PMs to the LJ do forward to a live email addy that I check) to inform me of such, and it's extremely likely that I'll add you back.

There are a few folks that fit the above categories that I just couldn't bring myself to delete for sentimental reasons, so you're still here. Congratulations? If you want me to remove you, LMK and I will. I'm helpful n' shit.

Have a beautiful night!
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