The Mays of Appaloosa Plains

Aug 23, 2012 22:40

This is June May's diningroom, after I have changed it some. I liked how it looked but felt I should add some purple, so the chairs were changed. The kitchen can be seen also, but not well. It's hard to photograph because of where it is and the top cabinets. I altered that long ago, and I like it. All I did in there was change the top cabinets to another design on the front, but not sure there is a shot that shows that.

The downstairs bathroom, hall and part of the livingroom. I got good shots of the livingroom that I posted in the previous post. All I did in the hall is add some pet things. That's a snake terrarium, but no snakes yet. Waiting for my little hunters to get me one.

The front of the house, with my alterations. I forgot the mailbox, but got that later. I like the subdued purple of the rails and trim, it's not overpowering like my house in Twinbrook.

The Barn from outside. I saw that I forgot a place when I looked at this picture. I changed it later and have a shot to show later. The truck was also the same green so I changed that too, but I got rid of it later so the parking spot would be available for a van in June's inventory.

The side shot of the barn. All I did was change the trim on the barn. I liked the wood color.

The back of the house.

A shot of the back of the whole downstairs.

This is the front shot of the whole downstairs. I really need a closeup of the kitchen. It's not white and purple, it's wood and purple. I didn't realize in this shot it was dark in there and the wood didn't show up. My graphics on my laptop are not very good at a distance.

This is the upstairs after I finished altering it. The only thing I will change in the future is the toilet that Tom is drinking out of.

Just another angle shot of the upstairs.

The kids bedroom. This is a rather nice room and I like what was done to it. It was nice before but the puke green had to go.

The master bedroom, hall, and bathrooms. I think I need to tone down the one bathroom. Tom was preventing me from doing all I wanted in there. I think it needs more light too. The hallway was left as is. I liked the classy tans and browns of it. I love the master bedroom. I later changed the bed to the floating one you get in Lifetime Happiness. Don't think I got a shot of that.

A distance shot of the entire upstairs. Not sure what you will be able to see in this shot.

June May jumping with Hero. He kept losing his agile trait while doing this. I was not happy with that, but I LOVE THIS SHOT! They were also both having a blast doing it.

Another shot I love of June and Hero. They are very photogenic.

Lassie playing with her ball. She's so cute playing like that. She hits it with her nose and chases after it.

Oppsie, seems her dive for it resulted in clumsyness. She's still very cute. I loved watching her play.

After her fall, she just got up and continued to play. Lassie is a good dog, like her namesake. :D

Not sure you can make this out, but when I checked on Tom and Kitty, there they were wrestling in the grass. I had gone to Kitty because I got a notice that she got fleas, poor thing.

I tried to get a closer shot, but got this one instead. I just couldn't get closer. Not sure why I can sometimes get really close and other times I can't.

The play is done, and you can see the fleas jumping on poor Kitty. Tom was lucky they didn't spread to him too.

June came to give Kitty a bath and get rid of the fleas. They were so cute when she picked her up, I had to get a shot of it. June really loves all her pets.

Kitty going in the bathtub. I was sure she would protest, or scratch, or something like a real cat would getting a bath, but no, she was very good and just stood there and let June wash her.

It was hard getting these shots. It's through the back glass of the tub. I think I will switch out that tub for another one that is easier to photograph through. They have a shower in the other bathroom. Anyway, Kitty just stood there as the tub filled with water. I was sure she was going to protest, but no.

Nice and soapy. She still stood there and let June do this to her. Could she really be that good a girl?

Hmmm, still has soapy bubbles on her and June is drying her? Poor thing, or perhaps she did that so the flea soap would stay and help prevent more fleas. I think June should look into flea collars for her kitties and doggies.

Bath is done and they are so cute!

Let's give Kitty some loving. June really does love her pets.

They are talking to each other :)

I should have turned the camera to show Kitty's mouth open too. Not sure what they are saying but I like to think its I love you.


Ok, lets put you down now. I have other things I need to do.

Introducing August May and his little sister April May. April is a teen. They have just joined the family.

I loved how his ear tips showed through that hair, so I chose that when I created him in CAS. August has a LTW of finding and adopting a unicorn. This shot also showed me the error of choosing that hair for April. It needs to go. It was pretty in CAS but in the game, you can see it's not good. Also, taking shots of April I have to be careful, because at a distance, that flower turns into purple glasses.

Another angle showing April. Her hair really needs to go. Love the flower though.

August grooming Lassie. They became good friends with this action. August loves animals as much a June does. I hope he will love June.

Lassie is watching him closely.

So, I went to see what Tom was doing. What a good boy!

This is the hall between the kitchen and dining room, and you can see the stairs going up. Tom is really a good boy. Even if he does drink out of the toilet.

I fixed the Barn. No more puke green. The truck is also changed as you can see. So I thought, what is Hero doing out in that field?

Well, hello there Hero. June is there to give you a neck rub.

Horse whisperer. *grin*

April is playing with Tom. This and the following shots show the cute play.

She has a laser pointer and he's pouncing on the light. Just like a real playful kitty does.

More fun in the hallway. You can see the bird tree I put there. Plans for a future pet.

Hello Blue, let's play fetch!

Here goes the stick! Wait a minute, that truck is in the way. Blue is running between the truck and the barn. No way I can get a shot of him there. So, bye bye truck!

He's such a pretty blue husky!

Caught the stick! Now, come back to Mama.

Good Boy!!! (In the background, August is asking Kitty to catch a bird. She did, a cardinal, but it never showed up in her inventory, or anyone elses. I was not very happy about that.)

I am sure she is saying, Ok, a bird you want, a bird you will get. In the foreground, we are still playing fetch.

Throw that stick, June! And Kitty is off to hunt. August likes her. :)

Good catch there Blue!

Another good catch, and that idiot man in that shot is the paparazzi and he WOULD NOT LEAVE! He kept getting in the way. I had to be creative to keep him out of the shots. June had befriended two stars and was thus of his interest. He's a pain. (In retrospect, I should have done him in, but I just don't think that way.)

Well, hello there August. Blue is saying, Hey, what about our play? I wanna play some more. August is so shy with her. It's adorable!

Let's hold hands. *grin*

Here, my dear, have a gift. For me? Oh, thank you!

Here, August, have a gift from me. Oh, how nice, thank you! (I just passed the same gift back and forth lol)

Would you like some flowers, June? They are purple, like your outfit. I bet you like purple.
Oh, How lovely! Thank you!

August: Hmmm, did she really like the flowers? Should I risk a kiss?
June: *Grin*

August: Should I or should I not. Gonna risk it.
June: Well, you see, I gave Kitty a bath because she had fleas. I was lucky not to catch them from her.

First kiss! So shy too.

Ok, now that first one is done, let's really kiss.
I think June likes him, and it's mutual.

Love the look in their faces. :D

So, I thought, what is April up to? Ah, Tom decided to sit on her lap.

April: Hello sweet Tom, let me scritch your neck.

One tired kitty on the bench. Tom is adorable!

So, June asked August on a date and they went to the pool. My laptop is not good enough to have people show up. They were alone. I felt bad leaving April alone in the house, so she met them there. June and August are having a "hold your breath" contest. I wonder who will win.

June won! I guess he just couldn't keep it up. They were down there a LONG time. I was getting scared they would drown!
Oh, I missed the shot, but you can't take away the ladder and drown them anymore. They can climb out on the edge of the pool. Both June and April dove in, and I missed that too. Happened too fast.

Splashie splashie
June: Hey, I'll get you for that!

June: Gotcha!

August has a tat on his back! He's very handsome I think. It's also dark there.

He has face piercings. What a man! hehe

August: Who, me?

I sent them from the pool to a bar to dance.

I shot too many dancing pictures. They were just too cute for words!

Dance dance dance

You can see the reflecting face peircings on August. Still dance dance dance. They ARE enjoying it though.

So, I thought, what's going on at home while these two are dancing. Enter Ginger. What on earth was I thinking to name her that. She's not Ginger in color. Perhaps some suggestions for a better name for her?
First time I saw a horse playing with a ball. How cute!

Hop after that ball, girl!

Horse, Ball, it was an adorable combo!

So, what is Hero up to? He had an itchy back, so I got a couple shots of him scratching it.


both heading home from WHERE? Hunting perhaps? No idea. Tom following Lassie was cute though.

Tired Blue, and he's got a bed to sleep on too.

Back to Dance dance dance.

Wait, what's this outside??? A doe! How cute! Come out you two, look at this!

Deer watching is great. They loved it.

Petting the deer was an option, so August was the brave one to try it out.
August: Hello there doe.

They both loved the experience. I think August may have made a new friend here.

Bye bye Doe.

That was so intense, gotta have a drink. Li Lu, what are you doing with my drink?

Li Lu is a good bartender. She tossed those drinks around in a very amusing manner.
August: Hey! Don't throw that at me!

Up in the air that bottle goes! Toss (I know there's a name for this, but it's escaping me at the moment.)

Fire on the drink! What a fancy drink he got for 3 simoliens.

June: Hey August, how about a game of shuffleboard?

August goes first.

Away goes the puck!

Good shot, August. Let's see if June can beat it.

Hers went to the 1 spot. Then they announced closing time. (At 6 am??? The bar closes at that time? What happened to a reasonable time, like 4 am? Why close at all if it's in the morning? June and August headed for home. So, what's happening there? An hour till April heads to school.

April had been sleeping. This is her nighty and sox. She's cute, but gotta change her hair. Wonder if there is a beauty shop in Appaloosa Plains.

New pets! June placed a squirrel in the small animal cage. They also got a Macaw! How wonderful.

End of date. They are both so cute!

June: I have a new squirrel pet. I think I will call you Nibbles.

Smoochie smoochie

June: Oh, Nibbles, you are so so so cute!

August is playing with Roger the Blue and Gold Macaw. On the shoulder you go!

Hello Roger

I am not sure what Lassie is thinking of that bird. Lunch perhaps? I hope not. I rather love the bird. So does August I am sure.
So I end it here with the family growing. June's LTW is to have 2 of every pet available. That's going to be one FULL house to get that one.
(I added August and April because all the pets were too much for just June to deal with. They need more people to disipline them and give them approval for things they do.)
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