Love Letter for a Challenge at The Lighthouse

Feb 15, 2020 22:52

Fandom: Stumptown
Words: 550


So, yeah, well this group I’m in, well I’m not really “in” it, but I do show up for it sometimes, like when I’m in the area, so, we’re supposed to reach out and to someone and let them know-well, you’ll see. And you know me, it’s not like I like doing stuff that people “assign” to me, yeah not big on that. So I was about to say “screw it.” But I mean, no-one is really making me do it, I’m doing it for myself, supposedly, so here goes. If it sucks I’m gonna tear it up, anyway. I wonder if they’ll let me back if I blow off this one thing. Well whatever, here we go.

The thing is, we’re supposed to reach out to someone in our lives and tell them how much they mean to us. And we gotta do it in writing. And at least 500 words. I guess so we don’t just do it like a quick pat on the back or high five. Supposed to really put it down, commit to it, for posterity. But damn, I just checked on the word counter thing and 500 words is a lot.

So, I’m letting you know and I may have to drag it out a bit here. I love you. You saved me. You saved my life, and for real, I probably would have died a few times over without you. You being here for me, giving me shit, pissing me off, making me crazy? Me worrying, me making you mad, us fighting? Then knowing we’ll always make up, because we’re bonded, right, like forever?

You give me something I’ve never had, and now I can’t live without it. Stability. Permanence. Like, a real belief that a relationship can be forever. Not like I got a great track record in that, right? I mean, Poster Child for Losing People, that’s me. Let’s not get into all the different ways. Hey, I know some of that is my fault. Maybe most of it. Like, I can be a jerk, I’m selfish, I’m defensive. After all, fighting people off is better than having them turn their backs, right?

‘Course, it was you that told me I was doing that. You always seem to know, and you always want to tell me, and that’s why you keep pissing me off. A girl should only have to handle just so much truth. So cut it out, okay?

Nah just kidding. You keep on doing you. Not like you’re gonna change on account of anything I say, god knows I’ve tried. But no matter how much I tell you I’m not worth it, or push you away, you just keep on being … here. Being here for me.

So…yeah, You’re the best person I know, and the best brother any girl could ask for. I love you, Ansel, and I’m grateful for you every day. Even though I don’t always let you know. And man I miss having you around the house, but I can hack it because it’s something you want. And you deserve to have things your way, and I”m here for you, even thought I kinda hate it. But I know it’s NOT ABOUT ME.

And hallelujah that’s 540 words so I’ll wrap this up now with a hug and a kiss and a taco and stuff.

Your sister


stumptown, fanfic, lighthouse_the

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