Wedding Planning Challenge

Feb 16, 2019 08:24

The challenge at GameofCards was to plan a fandom wedding using various creative modes to show the many categories. Mine includes the following:
--Fic (50 pts): Proposal, announcement
--Picspam (10 pts): Transportation, venue, reception, honeymoon
--Tumblr graphics (20 pts): Vows
--Fanmix, covers and 5 songs (25 pts): Music
--Sigtag (5 pts): Guests, wedding party
--Icons (10 pts): Flowers, cake

Title: Weekend Wedding
Fandom: Grace and Frankie
Words: 719
Note: Spoiler for Season 3 finale.

Grace and Nick wander up the steps from the beach, barely noticing the wreckage of the wedding party on the patio.
“Now that we’ve decided…let’s do it tonight.”
“Well, I imagined we’d sleep together, but after all that walking on the beach, I think I'm too little tired for sex.”
“No, I mean, let’s get married. Tonight.”
“Tonight?! How…where…well I can guess where, but how?"
“Come on. We’ll get my plane fired up and fly to Vegas; you know Marita’s my pilot as well as my driver. We’ve still got our bags packed-please. I don’t want to wait another minute to have you as my wife.”
“I-I-I…it seems insane, but why not. Everything else is so topsy-turvy.” (Looks around, finally noticing the mess.) “Yeah. Let’s get the hell out of here before someone stops us.”
“So this is what a Vegas wedding chapel is like. Rather nicer than I expected, actually.”
“You look glorious in this lighting.”
“And anyway, after that family wedding we were just at-good god, was that today?-it’s a relief to be here with basically all strangers.”
“The preacher, the minimum required witnesses, and our love. I’m ecstatic.”
“Me too, Nick. But…I’m a little concerned about that spotlight in the corner with the microphones and those velvet curtains, though.”
“And does the happy couple wish to exchange personal vows?”
“Yes, of course.” (clears throat)  “I want to see you / Know your voice / Recognize you when you first come 'round the corner..." (click to see the rest)
“Oh, Nick. That is beautiful.”
“It's from Rumi. I've been saving it in my heart since the first day we met. Now you.”
“Okay, here goes.” (Pulls a slightly torn piece of paper from her pocket.) “What I know for sure: When you make loving others the story of your life, there’s never a final chapter..." (click to see the rest).
“It’s perfect.”
“It's from Oprah. I found it in a magazine on the plane ride here.”
“You minx.”

“With the vows being done, I now pronounce you married. You may now kiss. And congratulations to you both." (Gestures toward the microphone in the corner; the curtains part.)
🎶"Wise men say...only fools walk in....but I can't hellllp fallllling in loooove wiiiiith youuuuu."🎶
"That's done, let's eat."
🎶"Shallll I staaaaay, would it beee a sinnnnnnn--🎶 Ladies and Gentlemen, the happy couple. Thankyouverrrmuch. Now let's rock!  🎶Lord almighty, feel my temperature risin'!"🎶
"God, walk faster. Maybe if you throw the bouquet."
"Got it." (Throws bouquet back over her head.)
"And ladies and gentleman, Cher catches the bouquet! Let's have a round of applause!"
🎶"If I could turrrrrrnnn baaaaaack tiiiiiiiiime!"🎶
“C’mon, my love. We’re hitched. Let’s get outta here.”
“Nick, this restaurant is amazing! Look at that sky. I guess I never knew Las Vegas had such nice places.”
“And to top it off…I knew you wouldn’t want a cake cake. So, for my beautiful bride: a caviar cake."
“Oh goodie. Hand me that pearl spoon.”
“So, what next? Between the champagne and the caviar, I’m in the mood for a little honeymooning.”
“I have just the place. Marita, back to the plane, please.”
“You mean we're flying someplace else? Tonight?”
“You know the plane has a bedroom. With a king-king size bed.”
“Oh, Nick. You think of everything.”
“I’m happier than I've ever been. Thank you."
"No, Nick, thank YOU...."
"You seem a touch distracted now that we’re back in town. Worried about how the family will react? We will have to make some kind of announcement.”
"Family? Phhht. After what I've put up with from them? I couldn't give a rat's ass about their feelings. They'll like it or lump it, as far as I'm concerned."
''Here's hoping they'll like it. And why would they not?" (gestures at self). "So how about we find a little diner and have some married breakfast? Keep the honeymoon going just a bit longer?"
"Oh, Nick, I'd love to but ...I … need to get home." (looks out the window then back)
"Ah, 'home.' You mean Frankie."
"Yes, well." (gestures with hand, looks out window again)
 "I understand completely, my darling. We have forever to have breakfasts. Please, Marita, we'll drop Ms.---" (pauses, looks at Grace) "... my wife at the beach house."
(story continues here)

Vows  (click for bigger)

Music (click for bigger)

Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra
I Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley
Burning Love - Elvis Presley
If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
Viva Las Vegas - ZZ Top

grace and frankie, holiday, game of cards, fanmix, picspam, icons, fic

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