Playlist for Walter O'Brien's Christmas Stocking

Dec 23, 2017 19:43

Title: The Team Makes a Playlist
Fandom: Scorpion
Words (including song titles): 492

"Music? For Walter? I don't know...Does Walter even like music?" Toby looked at Cabe a bit askance. "Everyone likes music, and anyway, he'll enjoy the thought of us each giving him something that we think he'll appreciate." Cabe took out his notebook and pen and looked around the garage speculatively.

Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions
Cabe grimaced as Ray windmilled his arm around an air guitar. "Bit loud, isn't it? I don't know if Walter--"
"No, no, man, he'll love it. It's ROCKIN'!" Ray dropped to his knees. "And besides. The band name is SCORPIONS!"

Shiny Happy People - R.E.M.
"I gotta admit, this suprises me," said Cabe as he tapped his foot and jotted down the song title from Happy's laptop. "Seems a bit more...upbeat than I'd expect from you." Happy scowled, then grinned. "It's not like I listen to it! It's's kind of a personal thing. My parents ... Walt'll get it, you'll see."

Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
"Why not?" asked Paige, when Cabe gave her a knowing look. "It was a fun time. I mean not the job so much, but the duet. First time I knew that Walter can actually sing." She got a faraway expression as Cabe made a note and strode away.

Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
"You? Listen to Zeppelin?" This project certainly had its moments. Sly waved his hands. "I don't really know much about them," he admitted. "But this? This is a classic part of any D and D marathon." His eyes took on a faraway look as he began to quaver, "There's a laaady who's sure, all that glittahs is gold..." Cabe beat a hasty retreat.

Tumbling Dice - The Rolling Stones
"Never took you for a classic rock kind of fellow," Cabe said with approval. Toby shrugged. "What can I say? It's about gambling. If you can't do it, sing it, right?"

It's Not Easy Being Green - Kermit the Frog
I'll Make a Man Out of You - Donny Osmond (from Mulan)
"Great choices, you two!" Cabe looked approvingly at Ralph and Patty. "You've both picked songs that are more about Walter than yourselves!"  Patty gave him a "but of course" expression, scooped up a couple of files, and turned to head out the door. Ralph gazed after her.

Meat is Murder - The Smiths
"Kind of harsh, isn't it?" Cabe found himself grimacing again at Allie's choice. She drew herself up and kissed his cheek. "Shall we say...I'm sending a message?"

The Elements - Tom Lehrer
"It's pretty much the only song that talks about the elements," explained Florence. "And I'll just bet Walter will enjoy singing along, and complaining about the horrible rhyme at the end."

Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley
"Because you are, kid," murmured Cabe, as he clicked the link to finish the playlist. "Like you were my own son, you are most definitely always somewhere on my mind."


game of cards, scorpion, fanmix

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