Seeing Double

Nov 26, 2017 03:07

For a challenge at TV Universe wherein a character meets another character played by the same actor.

Beckett scooted under the caution tape and strode toward the ring of police and emergency vehicles to where Ryan and Esposito were staring into the back of an ambulance. "Hey, guys, what's going on?" she snapped out, "The body's down here, right?" She gestured to a cloth-draped figure on the pavement.

"Yeah, Cap, but...there's something weird."

"Weirder than a dead body dropped under a burning hole blasted in a brick wall?" Beckett surveyed the damage to the decrepit warehouse.

Ryan waved a hand. "We can't even begin to figure that out, got the hazmat guys on their way. And then this..." he bent down and flicked the cloth back, revealing--

"Whoa." Beckett bent down to peer more closely. "What is this get up, some kind of cosplay?" The figure did indeed have strange, futuristic headgear and seemed to be wearing some type of jumpsuit. "Espo, what do you think, is this some kind of gang...Espo?" She looked up to see Esposito still staring into the back of the ambulance. "What is it?"

"Well, Cap, this guy wasn't alone, when they found him there was another guy lying next to him, but unconscious. Looked like they somehow got blasted through that hole in the middle of some kind of struggle."

"So, good, a witness, or a suspect. What does he have to say?"

A voice from the ambulance, strangely familiar, suddenly rang out. "What the gorram...ah, shih-tsui! This sure as hell isn't...Feh Feh Pi Goh! I knew that fuo-teh junior Niska had some kind of time machine on that cursed station!"

Just as Kate rose to peer likewise into the back of the ambulance, shock dawning on her face, she was jostled by Castle, coming up behind her, gasping a bit for breath. "Sorry I'm late, guys, the coffee cart was closed and..." Following the gaze of everyone's eyes, he too took in the large figure, clad in brown, head bandaged and glaring at the EMT trying to take his blood pressure.

As the two men caught each others' eyes and stared, aghast, Castle was the first to find words. "Wha- wha- whatdoyou know. I really AM ruggedly handsome."

castle, firefly, fic

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