Joker's Challenge

Oct 02, 2016 00:28

• 4 HQ screencaps (from any movie/tv show) (10 points)

• 100 words for the prompt "play the game" (10 points)
Bzzzzzzt! “Damn it!” muttered Mycroft. “Hah!” Sherlock leaned back in his chair and reached for the score pad. “As always. Foiled by the Heart.” He made a mark on the sheet, leapt up and turned toward the sideboard. Mycroft grimaced and took a pull of whisky. “And speaking of hearts…..” Sherlock whirled back around and with a grand gesture, fanning a deck of cards in one hand. Mycroft shrugged and nodded. Sherlock threw down the cards, sat back in his chair, and rubbed his hands together. “I believe we are currently locked in a draw.”

“As we have been for years,” observed Mycroft as he picked up the cards and began to shuffle. “Only because you refuse to stop until we are even,” snarled Sherlock.

“Only because you crow if you are ahead and sulk if you are behind.”

“When I was a child.” Sherlock swept up his dealt hand and peered critically at the cards.

“Yes. But I have no inclination to test whether your maturity level has increased in this tendency, as it has not in so many others.” Mycroft surveyed his cards and his eyebrow lifted.

“Oh, just play the damn game,” growled Sherlock.

•  2 icons that incorporate the shape of either hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs (10 points)

•  2 sigtags that incorporate the shape of either hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs (10 points)

•  1 larger graphic: Grrrrr this was a gif but I'm still having problems getting those to upload! Click for bigger.

game, sigtag, fanfic, tumblr graphic, icons

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