The Case of the Half-Drained Vics (continued)

Mar 19, 2016 00:25

The Case of the Half-Drained Vics
Prompt Used: code, disguise, gadget, reward, secret, undercover
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sherlock BBC, Grimm
Word Count: 327
Note: Part of an ongoing crossover series in which Giles brings the Slayerettes to London after the fall of Sunnydale, and they get involved with the Sherlock crew. They're drawn into an investigation of a series of supposed serial killings which might be vampires, or might be something else entirely. Mycroft has come to the Watchers’ Council, as has his distant cousin, Sean Renard, lately of the Portland Police Department. Both sets of teams are zeroing in on the culprits of the multiple murders.

With Sherlock sniffing the door jamb, Buffy managed to pry open the rusted hatch of the battered door set into the stone wall at the back of the Tennis Club where the last, half-drained victim had been found, using a metal gadget she’d had, oddly but conveniently, in her purse. Sherlock’s eyes lit up and the two slowly wrenched open the door, as Lestrade and the others hurried over.

Willow, who’d been reading about the legend of the dearg-du, continued her litany as to how the myth entailed that the beautiful woman, killed by her lover, somehow had spawned a secret brood of blood sucking creatures, doomed to roam the night, sometimes in disguise, waylaying victims. But once the two had the door wide open, and the cold and clammy blast of air seeped out, even she was staring, like the rest, into the dark entrance.

“Well,” said Giles, clearing his throat and reaching into his jacket pocket, “Shall we?” With that, he brandished a small penlight, and advanced into the entry. Sherlock likewise produced a flashlight, as did Dawn from her pink backpack and Lestrade from his overcoat pocket. John looked askance, Willow alarmed, and Xander looked eager but rueful. “Don’t got a light,” he muttered, and John chuckled and drew him and Willow back. “What say we wait here, and let the rest go undercover,” he said mildly, then reaching to grab Dawn as she headed forth. “You too, love, not this time,” as she pouted but drew back obligingly.

“Yes, yes, best wait here,” agreed Giles, as he ducked to follow the others. "And don't forget the code," --waving his phone-- "In case we need to send for help."

"Fat lot of good that'll do anyone," grumbled Xander as he plopped down on the stone wall and fumbled in his backpack. "Crazy librarian forgets we've got no codes for Jolly Old England." With that, he pulled out a Heath bar and began munching contentedly. "But as we know, craziness has its own reward."

the case of the half-drained vics, sherlock bbc, grimm, buffy the vampire slayer

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