Writing a story without one of the vowels

Dec 13, 2015 22:28

The challenge at gameofcards was to write a short fic omitting one of the vowels. This might be cheating, but here you go. I also used two of the prompts from a different challenge: " The things you learn about people when you take care of their home while they’re away on vacation" and " She picks up the phone & says hello".

Title: Holly Housesits for Russ
Fandom: Battle Creek
Vowel Excluded: A
Word Count: 166

TO: russ@bcpd.org
FR: holly@bcpd.org
SUBJECT: Housesittin'

Hey. So everything's good round here, except I'm getting no phone reception so I'm using your Dell, which is wonky. Why didn't you mention -- how long's your ... "first vowel key" been broken? Knowing you, it's been forever & you figured out some work'round. I guess you could go with textspk but somehow I don't see you doing it. You're old school, honey, but it's ok. I'll keep you wired into the young cool stuff.

How's the conference? I know you're not big on sitting in meetings but it must be fun to be out of town. Hope you're in the nice section of Detroit & the hotel's good & you're not drinking too too much.

Hey by the by, someone phoned you. I didn't intend to pick it up, but it kept ringing, so....mmmmm. Your mom told me to tell you hello. There's more, but I'd better tell you in person. K hon. Miss you. Be good! See you soon!

battle creek, fic

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