Fandom Crushes!

Oct 03, 2015 10:32

...for a challenge at allthingsfandom.

[Spoiler (click to open)]
My Fandom Crushes

#1. Battle Creek--Russ Agnew

He's tough but tender, worn down but still hopeful. He's had a rough life but is a survivor. He's a hometown boy, and decided to be a cop for his hometown, so everywhere he goes he has good and bad connections. He's kind of trapped in a world where everyone knows him from grade school, but he works it to his advantage (sometimes). He's rumpled and hilarious.

#2.Game of Thrones--Margaery Tyrell

She's smart and ambitious, and knows how to use her born role in society to her advantage. She works her femininity but is subtle, or at least subtle in a way that only another wily woman can recognize her intent. We don't know if she will ultimately succeed in her goals, but I'm rooting for her, because she's one of those characters in this particular world that knows what's going on and how to work it.

#3. Castle--Rick Castle

He's sharp, witty, and sees the humor in most situations. But he can be deep and real when it's needed, such as when he's supporting his daughter. He's somewhat amoral, a hedonist, but he's also deeply ethical in human relationships. He knows he makes mistakes and he owns up to them. He can also draw the line, such as in his relationship with Beckett. He's a family man but can also be a party animal. He has a zest for life that is infectious.


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