A Very Special Episode of Firefly

Aug 27, 2015 01:11

...for a challenge at tv_universe.

A Very Special Episode of Firefly
“You Can Go Home Again”

Episode Synopsis
Serenity gets a WAVE from Jayne’s home planet. When informed by Wash that it’s from his mother, Jayne gets worried, since it’s not like them to use WAVE tech, preferring more to write. Once he listens to the message, he asks Mal if they can go there to help out. His family’s in trouble-his brother Mattie’s gone missing, feared kidnapped by a local gang who’ve been spreading stories about having rights to the Cobb’s land.

When they get there, they are engulfed by the hospitality of the Cobbs who, despite their crushing worry for Mattie, are warm and generous with their simple ways. Each of the crew is pleasantly surprised by some aspect of staying with the Cobb clan. Mal likes sharing stories with Jayne’s gruff dad; Inara charms baby Jayne stories from Jayne’s mom. Kaylee romps with the sisters and tunes up the ranch vehicles; River communes with the ranch animals. In between plotting and scouting with Mal and the older Cobbs, Zoe and Wash enjoy some privacy in the guest cabin down by the river.

The action team determines that Mattie is, indeed, being held by the gang on the outskirts of town. Before they storm the place to free him, a series of twists and turns lead them to decide instead to negotiate. Book and Mal, Dad Cobb, and Jayne accomplish this feat with a mix of diplomacy (Book), mild threats and shows of force (Mal and Jayne), and eventual capitulation (Dad Cobb, who agrees to cede some of the ranch land so the interlopers can homestead.

Thus satisfied, the gang releases Mattie to his family only a bit worse for wear. During the ensuing celebration and a few days of relaxation, Simon  is able to determine the cause of Mattie’s damplung; treats him for tuberculosis, and he is well on the mend, along with numerous other locals who’ve been lining up for Simon’s treatments during their whole stay.

Amid hugs, tears, gifts, and promises to return, the crew of Serenity go on their way. Jayne is pensive for a time, but cheers up as he realizes that their next job is on a planet full of bars and pleasure-houses-something to look forward to after playing innocent with his family these past weeks.

episodes, firefly, tv_universe

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