Prompt Fics for Game of Cards

Dec 11, 2014 10:10

From a few months back, I forgot to post these prompt fics. Miscellaneous fandoms...

From a prompt from magical_sid--the quote by "Brian," below, which is apparently from Luther!

Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: Mystrade
Warning: Sexual situation
Words: 406

"Whoof!" breathed Lestrade, as the two men rolled apart and onto their backs, side by side in the tangled sheets. He slid a glance to his companion who had his eyes closed and his mouth in a smile. Relieved, Lestrade shimmied closer until they were pressed together again. "Good, yeah?" he whispered. Mycroft looked over with one eye open and eyebrow raised, so charmingly quizzical that Lestrade barked out a laugh. "What would you like me to say, Gregory?" he murmured. "Isn't it obvious?"

Greg grinned and looked wide-eyed at the ceiling. "Now there you go, right there. That's the difference between dating women and dating men. Women're more wanting to talk, checking in about feelings. All the blokes I've been with, more like to just want to go by actions." He snaked out a hand to squeeze Mycroft's thigh as if to demonstrate.

Mycroft turned more fully toward him. "'All the blokes,' Gregory? Have there been enough to form such a hypothesis?"

"Well, not all that many, and not in awhile." He thought for a moment. "So, there, proof. Last fellow I was with, god, six years ago now, that went a while, but here's what he said to me, Brian, when I finally asked him if he had any feelings for me. 'Thing about love is that it brings out the best in you, but it could also bring out the worst-all your fears, rage, self-doubt. Don’t mess around with it. It’ll blow up in your face.'" He shook his head. "What a thing to say, right? I mean--" he slewed a look toward Mycroft. "I mean, well. What do you say to all that?" He sounded insecure, sweetly so.

Mycroft paused. For his adult life, up until recently, he would have completely agreed with this sentiment against sentiment. He, who had taken "Caring is not an advantage" as a personal motto. But now? These past few months with Greg, he now realized, had rendered him helpless to maintain his barrier against emotion.

He reached out and ran a finger over Greg's lips. "What do I say about 'messing around' with love?" Greg looked at him, wide-eyed. Mycroft breathed for a moment, then, with an uncharacteristically broad grin, rolled away and stretched, leanly and lasciviously. "I say....blow away!"

Parks & Rec/Glee crossover, prompt from chiara

“It’s the Midwest Show Choir Championships, Ben,” Leslie said with only slightly exaggerated patience.

“Yes, and?” Ben looked inquiringly as he leaned against the door jamb.

Leslie counted off on her fingers. “It’s a huge boost to the town, tons of people come in, kids, parents, families, they stay in the hotels, and eat a lot, and whether they win or lose there’s a lot of drinking, and it’s great for the economy! Plus singing! Dancing! What’s not to love? Besides, we have to have at least one judge from the government side. Someone’s got to keep the process ethical, and you just know those Chamber of Commerce types aren’t to be trusted.”

“But why me?” asked Ben plaintively. “I don’t know anything about-“ he paused, enunciating. “Show Choirs."

”What? You sing in the shower all the time. And you like all kinds of music. I mean your CD collection, whoa! And when it comes to dancing-“ Leslie shimmied up to him, suddenly seductive. “You and I both know you got grrrreat moves.”

Ben simpered. “That’s true.” He suddenly looked suspicious. “But why not you? You love singing. And dancing. And judging.”

Leslie smacked him on the arm, then said airily, “Oh, I had to recuse myself. I … had, I have a … let’s just say conflict of interest. It’s personal.” Ben lifted en eyebrow at Leslie’s expression. “Personal?”

“Well, yes, no big deal, but one of the show choirs, well … I know one of the directors. From McKinley, New Directions. Will. Will Schuester. Sweet guy. We … met when I was judging two years ago. I might not be able to be objective. I mean of course I could. But maybe not. Given … everything.”

Ben lifted the other eyebrow. “Everything???”

Leslie trimmed her lips. “Yes. I’d best … say no more. It’s in the past. But still. It was … ” She got a faraway look in her eyes. Ben rocked back on his heels, speculatively. “Look, Leslie. We’re together now. I’m not threatened. We don’t need to hide our pasts. We both knew when we got together that we’d each had … histories. I mean, we’re not kids.”

“No, we’re not, but he sure was!” Leslie barked out a laugh. “I mean, no. Not a kid. Well he is younger. By a lot. And you know, talk about singing and dancing. Really keeps a guy in good shape. Good wind, great stamina. Wait, I don’t mean that. Well, actually I do, but anyway. Never mind.”

Ben rubbed his forehead, grimacing.”Okay, forget what I said about sharing. Let’s go back to hiding our pasts.”

Leslie looked at him lovingly. “Sweetie. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” She wrapped her arms around him and they started to kiss.
Prompt from partitioning: space au, roommates in close quarters, long journey (in my head this is sterek but I wanted to leave it open to a general prompt)

(Sorry can't do Sterek, just this instead...)

"God, Danny, I can't believe you." Mindy plopped down on the tidy bunk and glared up at Danny, who was shrugging off his backpack in the corner.

"What?" Danny gestured around. "It's perfectly fine, and you don't know how much money I saved us."

"Money? Money? Danny, we're DOCTORS," hissed Mindy. "We are gynecologists traveling to a CONVENTION at a luxury resort. Not space pirates hopping on board a boxcar for a chance to eat protein bars. And speaking of space pirates, did you get a load of this crew? Sure, the one pretty girl who turned your head and sold us a ride on this rattletrap, she seems nice enough. But the behemoth with the knife between his teeth? The Amazon warrior in leather? No, Danny, no. It just doesn't seem safe."

Danny toed off his shoes and bunched up next to her on the bunk, coaxing her to lie down. "Shhh, babe, it's not for long. They promised they could get us to Ariel quicker than that Alliance cruiser. Besides," he nuzzled her neck. "The name of the ship is a good omen. After the month we've had, we could both use a little Serenity." As he started to kiss her, he could feel her relaxing in the warmly-lit room, with the sound of the engine humming all around them. (223 words)

prompt from dance_thrulife: General, Body Swap

"God DAMN it, Castle!" The tone was Beckett's tone, but the voice and body were not. The tall, suited figure paced from one end to end of the small room, while on the other side of the interrogation table, the willowy redhead stared at herself in the wall-sized mirror, stroking her hair, brushing her lips with her fingers, and letting her hands drift downward....

"No!" The man wheeled around and came up beside her, finger raised. "Hands off, I mean it. You are NOT going to take advantage of this ridiculous, heinous situation that YOU created....AUGH!" He thrust his hands through his short hair and likewise stared in the large mirror. They stood for a moment, side by side, looking at the reflections with still-stunned expressions.

After a moment, the woman cracked a smile, and looking at the man next to her, started to say, "You know, I really AM ruggedly-"

"NO!" her companion shouted again, lifting a finger and shaking it at the reflections. "Shut up, I mean it, shut up. This is NOT the time to be joking. God.” He went back to pacing. “I never should have listened to you about going to that psychic, despite this stupid case. I should have known that any of Martha’s woo-woo practitioners could only mean trouble. But THIS!” He stopped again in front of the mirror as though mesmerized by the sight. “The only small mercy is that it happened in the elevator instead of out in public, or in the car, GOD, we could have had an accident. Or in the bathroom, while you were…” He looked aghast at his own crotch, fingers waving around agitatedly.

"Aw, c'mon, Beckett." The woman pulled out a chair and slid into it, lounging casually. "Mother already said that it only lasts an hour or so. It could be quite instructive! Talk about walking in someone else's shoes, this is walking in someone else's body. We might as well relax and...." stroking her own thigh, "enjoy it."

The man raised both hands. "There is nothing to enjoy. It's just...weird." His eyes drifted as he seemed to be testing out his weight and heft, shifting from side to side. "Yup. Weird."

“Well, really. I take offense. Here I am enjoying being in your body, and all you can do is criticize. I’m deeply hurt.” She clapped her hand over her heart, then got a speculative look as her hand drifted to the side…

“Castle” groaned and rolled his eyes. Suddenly the interrogation room door swung open, and Esposito leaned in. “Here you are, we been looking for you. Ryan got some information from the victim’s fortune-telling partner, and Captain Gates wants to talk to Beckett, something classified. C’mon.” Noticing the frozen silence in the room, he gave both figures the once-over. “What is it with you two? Something up?”

The other two exchanged a long look, smiles twitching, eyebrows lifting, as they silently but mutually contemplated what mischief could come next. (502 words)

prompt fic, parks and recreation, game of cards, the mindy project, sherlock bbc, fic, firefly, glee

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