Aug 25, 2006 15:26
Does anyone know of any good resources web-based or otherwise on the goddess Artemis? Not so much the historical info on her cults but rather the psychological/archetypal symbolism connected to her, rituals, dedications, warnings?
And if you're interested/knowledgable in such things, any thoughts on how She/the archtype might be manifested in a modern culture? ie what figure fictional or otherwise would count as a modern-day Artemis?
It's something I'm pondering over myself as there is a lot coming up and churning around in my mind/soul lately, and the figure of Artemis seems to capture or contain this somehow..but unlike animal totems, which I suspect I've been playing with since a child, I don't really know what to do with human figures.
I've become very protective of my own space, time in the wilderness (I actually ran out there yesterday instead of going to work, so I'm slightly concerned I might get carried away and lost to civilisation..actually it's more concern about *not* being concerned), and am adamant at the moment that I don't want to be in a relationship, despite feeling love for some. Also a bit like I am hunting in the darkness,loneliness, catching glimpses of who I am and can be when I am not afraid to stand in solitude. It's not easy but it's strangely refreshing; I feel like a tangled piece of string slowly unwinding.
I'm also interested in and working with the symbol of the virgin, in particular the pregnant virgin, and the concept of virginity not as chaste but rather as unattached. Having said that it's going to be some time before I have sex with a man again..though in perhaps an Artemis like fashion I wouldn't say no to a harem of nymphs right now ;-)
What I REALLY hope to give birth to soon is a glut of drawings..