Beatlefic: Lady Tiger pt 2

Apr 15, 2014 10:57

George tries to help John out of his bad trip, but in doing so, doesn't feel quite right himself.  NC-17 ADULTS ONLY PLEASE!!!

We both continued to chuckle while I made myself comfortable beside him. I could tell he was still tripping because he kept touching my cheeks, my chin and running his finger over my mustache. Then he began to look intently into my eyes staring right into them with a wide eyed expression. I gazed back at him and we both looked at each other in silence for a long time it seemed. I knew that to him, he was seeing the entire Cosmos in my face.

Then he slowly put his forehead on mine and rested it there. I liked that. I could tell it was doing something to both of us though I wasn't sure what. I could just feel it and it felt good. That's when he kissed me lightly on the lips. It wasn't the first time John ever kissed me so it no longer surprised me. I let him kiss me three times before I moved and gave him one light kiss back just so he wouldn't feel rejected. He could get sensitive about that sometimes.

“Know what I'd really like to do?” He asked with a wicked smile.

“No, what?” I wondered back at him.

He giggled, bit his lower lip while still smiling before he chose his next words carefully. “I'd really like to stick my dick inside your mustache.”
I snorted. “You do have a magical way with words. You know that?”

“I can't help myself. The words just pop out sometimes.” Then he began to gently stroke my face again, running his fingers along the hairs on my upper lip. “But you know what Mason said. About how to block what Judy is doing to me.” He began to breathe right in my face. “About how only perverted sex can stop her.”
“I don't take everything Mason says at face value,” I informed him.

“Yeah, but what could it hurt? We're alone right now, in a comfortable bed in a nice room. You know?” He was practically pleading with me.

I gave in. I couldn't help myself. He would have gone on all night if I let him. “Ok, I'll do it. For you.”
John lit up. “Wow. That was easy. You really mean it?”
“Sure. How can I turn down a friend in need. Just get your belt undone and let's get this over with.”
John eagerly unzipped his pants, fumbled with his buckle and somehow got his clothing down around his knees while lying there as I watched. He was practically rearing to go with his dick standing straight up waiting for me.

I touched him for a moment then moved so I could get him into my mouth. He was waiting excitedly but that moment when my lips enveloped him, I felt him sigh and affectionately pet my hair. That made me feel good about what I was doing to him, knowing he was grateful for it and appreciated it.

I moved my mouth up and down over him, getting a warm glow inside each time he sighed or moaned. Once he mumbled, “Oh yeah, that's the right way. Yeah.”

When he exploded in my mouth, I swallowed the salty stream feeling his hands gripping me in appreciation.

“You can't imagine how good that feels,” He groaned in pleasure. “I feel so much better now.”

I felt better about what I had done for him as I wiped my face off with my hand, licked me lips and then stretched out beside him again while he glowed with a satisfied little smile.

“I feel all that bad stuff just went right out of me,” John told me once I was settled next to him.

“That was the main goal,” I replied as he closed his eyes to drift off into his own private world inside his head.

I slipped away myself a bit, laying next to John, holding him because I knew that's what he wanted, hearing the laughter and voices from the party going on outside the room. I had my eyes closed for a while when I heard the door open and Mason's voice say, “Hey, Brothers. Looks like you two are mellowing.”

I was a bit startled at being found like that on a bed holding John who had his pants still open. Not my best position.
“John needed some rest and quiet,” I said.

“That's all cool,” Mason replied. “I mean, that's the bed I'm going to crash in later but you two can use it for now. I can see what you're about.”
John stirred at Mason's voice. “Hey, she's gone. She's not in me anymore,” He announced in a croaking voice. “I feel much better. Thanks, guys.”

As Mason perched on the edge of the bed and continued to converse with John, I noticed that I didn't feel so good. I can't describe how I felt. The closest description might be like I was coming down with

the flu but it wasn't that exactly. It was in my stomach but it was glowing, not burning. It was

contaminating me. My first guess was that it was what I swallowed from John. I know whatever it was, it came from that. Then my thoughts kicked in and I knew it was getting late and I had something to drink and did a few drugs. More then likely it was just the effect of all that material world on my body.

I drove John home and then went to bed myself shortly after, hoping sleep would settle everything going on inside me. Something was going on and I could feel it. There were moments it was like a bad trip but only for a second or two, then it would go away and things would seem normal. But there was that feeling. Something was deep inside me, right at my center and I could sense it. Knowing it was there overpowered all other thoughts or actions.

It had started when I swallowed what came out of John. I could tell that's when it happened. Maybe somebody slipped me something into a drink at that party. It wasn't unheard of. I'm not sure but I had started to feel it as John fell asleep in my arms on Mason's bed. That's when it all began. Was what I had just been doing moments before the cause? Well, likely.

It was her somehow. That Judy. That witch. I can't say how since she didn't seem all that interested in me but I just felt it in my being. It was something she did but I'm not sure what. I just hoped whatever it was, it would wear off eventually and soon.

Going through the motions of my day seemed to help but it was still there. I could feel it in me like a parasite. When I tried to meditate that evening it dominated the inside of my head. I pondered that maybe my root chakra was ruptured, in a bad state. I don't know. I remember what Mason said about sex stopping it. I didn't buy that more perverted the better belief, but maybe there was something to it so I made love to my wife that night. It didn't seem to help. After I lied there spent in my own bed sweating and panting, it was still there. It didn't move. I was beginning to get concerned.

I tried a few things. Certain chants and meditations for healing. They helped ground and center me but they didn't make it go away. It seemed to be getting stronger like it was glowing and burning my surrounding tissues where it was lodged in me. I even tried medicine for digestion to see if that would purge it. Hell, I even took a laxative. Nope, still there. Was it all just in my mind? Maybe I was going crazy.

I called John. I wanted to see how he felt, what he felt before exactly and how he felt now.
“No, I've been fine,” He answered me when I had him on the phone. “But yeah, at that party, something was dominating my head. I know it was her. She did something to me and it all went away when I...well, you your mouth. It just stopped like it flowed right out of me.”
“And into me,” I mumbled.
John hadn't heard me. “What?” He asked. “What did you say?”
“Nothing. I just hadn't felt quite right since that party.”
“Well, how high did you get? Maybe your just not recovered yet.”
“It's been four days. I think I should be over it by now.”
“Have you been sleeping?”
“Mostly. Yeah.”
“No more then usual. Same with getting high. No more then usual.”

“I don't know what to tell you,” John said. “I just know what I've been through and it seems to be gone now.”

We chatted a bit longer with John going on about some idea Mason had regarding creating a temple

that not only held groovy religious ceremonies but provided food and clothing for the poor as well as other typical church services as well.

“It would be based on Cosmic Laws,” John told me. “Only we don't know what we'd call it. A lot of its idea would be Eastern. That's why I thought you'd be interested.”

“What do you mean by Cosmic Laws?” I asked.
“Well, those ideas that seem to exist in every faith,” John replied. “Those that seem to actually be true.”

It then turned into an interesting discussion on the nature of Truth and what it really was and how someone could tell, and that was it. John had nothing more to offer on my current problem. I ended that phone call thinking maybe I was just being crazy.

He did say one thing though that disturbed me a little bit. I asked him to describe how he felt when he was tripping out, and he said, “I felt helpless against whatever it was. Like it was going to consume me and I could do nothing but watch and wait.”

I had a trip to India planned and that began to consume most of my time and mental energy. I was actually going there to continue my studies with Ravi which were pretty important to me. I hoped being among that which I found most sacred might purify me.

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