H E L L O ,
Seems you have stumbled upon my page,
as you can read in the side bar already what kind of a person I am,
I shan't repeat it here.
This journal is friendlocked for different reasons.
This does not mean that I bite, am mean or bitchy...
or so I think,
It's just a certain level of security for me because some of the entries -
- are rather personal.
Friending me is easy, I'm not picky and I love to meet new people,
Always up for chatting or sending messages.
Just comment in the comment secion B E L O W ;;
Or leave me a personal message. Woud like it though if
;; There is mutual friending
;; Hearing from you every now and then
;; I'm up for all, even if our interest don't match
we can still be friends
;; I like yaoi ... not that, that is important. -cough-
;;That's ah... it?