Damn Jason and his addiction to surveys.
1. Been so drunk you blacked out: Yeah right. I've only had two drinks at a time in my system. Down with intoxicants!
2. Missed school because it was raining: Har har. This is a joke, right? Oregonians rule.
3. Lit a body part on fire for amusement: hm... I've melted a few hairs before, but I don't think that counts.
4. Been hurt emotionally: of course!
5. Kept a secret from everyone: not EVERYONE. Actually... yes, I suppose I have.
6. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: no
7. Thought an animated character was hot: Um yeah. Shoot. Who was it? It was like Sinbad or Aladdin or something like that.
8. Made yourself throw up: Only when I feel very nauseated and if causing the contents of my stomach would make it stop. But even then, not often. Its not easy to do. Especially if you don't want to puke all over your hand. ew.
9. Had your tongue pierced: no, but I rather wish I would/could
shampoo: pert plus with dandruff control
place to shop: Forever 21
day/night: I rather like mornings, when I can get myself awake enough to enjoy them.
summer/winter: summer. Boogieboarding, beach, sun ahoy!
drink: Oh... probably the iced coffee at Cha for Tea. But that's always changing.
movie: Probably the Matrix
activity: I like playing games like board games, card games, ping pong, old school mario bros, pool, bowling, ddr, waterslide park
advertisement: UM WHAT? Hell if I know. What the fuck sort of retarded question is this?
band: I don't really have a favorite band.
cartoon characters: Wile E. Coyote was the bomb. Get it? bomb?!
food: mmmm, mom's cooking
place: wherever i can truly relax. Good answer Jason. Usually its laying in a pool of water in a patch of sunlight, looking at blue sky and palm trees.
color: blue, but I really like most colors.
candy: Hm. I like Nerds. Not grape flavor. And the Apricot Eau de Vie at Teuscher. Mmmmmmm
animal: beagles, rodents, bunnies, kitties, snakes
ice cream: Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream
Understanding: aye
Open-minded: mostly, unless a moron is trying to prove he/she has something worthwhile to say and he/she's wasting my time with mindless drivel.
Arrogant: ahahaha I suppose. But when you're as smart and beautiful as me, accurate self-assessment looks like arrogance, I suppose.
Insecure: not really. Only in Victoria's Secret fitting rooms, which for some reason make your body look like you've been sitting dead in a stale mouldy pool for a couple weeks.
Interesting: Not really.
Hungry: currently no, but I'm always jonesing for korean food.
Friendly: Um. On a really superficial level sure, I'm approachable. But when it comes to forming lasting friendships, not at all.
Moody: I guess I am.
Independent: Yes, but I do feel like I need someone to hug and cuddle with often.
Hard working: Indeed. Unless its about schoolwork. Then I need to have proper motivation. Like a final in less than 24 hours.
Organized: Its odd. Everying is a clutter, but I know exactly where everything is. I suppose I'm untidy, but I do have a place for everything. The places for things just happen to be everywhere.
Healthy-eater: I try. I enjoy fruits and veggies a lot, but sometimes its hard to eat what you want when you're schedule is really busy.
Emotionally stable: So-so
Difficult: Not too terribly difficult. I'm simple for the most part. Maybe a little demanding and spoiled.
Attractive: undeniably. :)
Bored easily: no. I always put 100% into whatever I do, and most things are not easy enough to get bored.
Thirsty: not right now. I try to drink a lot.
Responsible: Sadly, not really.
Sad: not right now. Sometimes when I reflect on how my life could be different if I had made some different decisions. And if I could have won the lottery. And how I didn't get chosen to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune.
Happy: Too busy to feel emotion!
Trusting: entirely.
Ill: right now? um. No?
Talkative: aye.
Eating: HUMAN FLESH. Literally. I am chewing on the inside of my mouth. Bad habit. Bad me!
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: gotta pee gotta pee
Listening to: the song My Immortal by Evanescence stuck in my head from yesterday afternoon
Watching: the cursor blinking?
Cried: no
Watched a movie: no
Met someone new: Candace, a former worker at Teuscher
Cleaned your room: HAHA that's a joke right? right?
Drove a car: you bet
Smoked anything: I do not smoke. Smoking is bad for your health and the health of those around you. If you know of a parent who smokes around their kids, please kick their heads in, because they do not deserve to raise kids in such an unhealthy lifestyle and environment.
Have stuffed animals: My Charlie Bear that Wes got me Christmas 2001.
Have a toothbrush: Dumbest question evar. NO I have NO toothbrush and my teeth are full of holes where bacteria thrive on bits of food that have been lodged in them.
Have dreads: no
Play sports: no
Watch sports: no. our tv doesn't come in very clearly. Although I DO enjoy watching a good basketball game.
Love someone: indeed I do.
Do drugs: just chocolate
Smoke cigarettes: no
Smoke weed: no
Smoke anything else: no
yourself: usually. Sometimes I get really fed up and feel like quitting everything. But it passes, and I go to work and school the next day, and things don't seem so bad.
your friends: I have some of the best there-for-me friends a girl can ask for.
Santa Claus: It would be nice. I'd ask for a '54 convertible, light blue; and a deed to a platinum mine, santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonighhhhht.
the Tooth Fairy: No. I did however, get money for putting teeth under my pillow. I wonder where those teeth are now.
destiny/fate: This is a tough question. Not so much destiny, but I believe that someone has the innate genetic ability to achieve certain things that other people can't. Not exactly fate, but still faintly reminiscent of it.
angels, ghosts, the devil: no
UFO's: UFO's as in spacecraft that have visited Earth and have been spotted by humans? Yeah, I suppose so. I DO however, unquestionably believe in the existence of intelligent life on other planets.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yup
Do you have tattoos or piercings: just one in each earlobe. Woo, what a rebel.
Who have you known the longest of your friends: KNOWN? I guess Nitin, back when he was the dude who was at the same bus stop as me back in 6th grade
Who is the loudest: Of my friends? This is interesting. I am probably the most talkative, but i believe Sharon has no volume control, and she is really really squeaky and giggly
Who do you cry to: Wesley