(no subject)

Jan 28, 2005 21:06

i'm bored.. and i have nothing better to do!! so here's the survey thing...
tomorrow's the entrance exam for my school!!! i can't believe it has already been an year :(
but 2 day weekend!!! so yay i'm happy :D i wanna go shopping tomorrow, but i've been buying alot of clothes, so i don't know if i'll be able to buy any...

Have you ever...
[ ] smoked pot.
[x] rode in a taxi.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[ ] had sex.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[x] skipped school. (some of 3rd quarter last year, because i knew i wasn't going to finish the quarter haha)
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[ ] lost your sibling.
[x] played 'clue'.
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] went ice skating. (i wanna go skating again too!! but i don't think there's a skating rink around here)
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf.
[ ] been cheated on
[ ] had a sweet sixteen.
[ ] had a quinceanera.
[ ] had a car.
[x] drove. (well kind of.. because i don't have a permit, but i've driven at weedbeach
Do you...
[ ] have a bf. (really wish!!!)
[ ] have a gf.
[x] have a crush. (unfortunately, no.. and that is almost impossible for me, so i'm really confused haha!)
[x] feel loved.
[ ] feel lonely.
[x] feel happy. (pretty much! i could ask for more, but i'm fine!)
[ ] hate yourself.
[ ] have a dog. (i want a puppy!!!! or a kitty :D :D )
[x] have your own room.
[x] paint your nails. (i haven't in a while tho)
[ ] get good grades. (used to.. but i'm basically failing all of my classes now, so what can i say!?)
[x] play an instrument. (instrumentS, plural!<- haha yes!! but i don't really now.. i should tho!)
[x] have slippers. (its pink :D )
[ ] wear boxers.
[ ] wear black eyeliner.
[x] like the color blue.
[x] like the color yellow.
[ ] like to read.(depends.. but i don't really read so yeah...)
[x] like to write. (do e-mails count?--NANA!!!)<-- haha let's just say yes!!!
[x] have long hair. (i guess? its not really long or anything, but its not short either)
[ ] have short hair.
[x] have a cell phone.
[x] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.

Are you...
[ ] ugly.
[ ] pretty.
[x] ok. (as in what?)
[x] bored.(otherwise i wouldn't be doing this!)
[x] happy.
[x] bilingual
[ ] white.
[ ] black.
[ ] mexican.
[x] asian.
[ ] short.
[x] tall.(well, not in the states, but i'm tall in Japan)
[ ] grounded.
[ ] sick.
[x] a virgin.
[x] lazy. (oh, yes!)
[x] single.
[ ] taken.
[x] looking.
[ ] not looking.
[ ] dont care.
[ ] talking to someone. (not now...)
[x] IMing someone. (not now :( cuz everyone's in school haha)
[x] scared to die. (well i'm not scared to die, but i really hope i wont die tomorrow or anything..)
[x] tired. (always tired)
[x] sleepy.
[ ] annoyed.
[x] hungry. (again, when am i not?)<- good question!! i just ate an ice cream :D
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[x] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[x] eating something. well.. just finished an ice cream, like i said!
[ ] in your pjs. (not yet.. but soon!!!
[x] ticklish. (yes, VERY!!actually, it depends... sometimes im not ticklish at all)
[x] listening to music.
[ ] homophobic.
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