I'll grab the wheel and I'll point it west, pack the good and leave the rest.

May 30, 2007 20:29

Exams are stressful. I want to do well. But my motivation is at 0. I just want to be in college already. I have such a hard time STAYING where I'm at. I always get focused on something and then I feel like I have to be there or get there right now even if its far away. I've just been afraid lately that I don't have what it takes to be successful. No matter what it is. I've never felt so unsure about it before. I always had the attitude that whatever happens was meant to happen, and things will work out the way they are supposed to and I'll be happy. But now, I'm scared that I won't get where I want to in life. I feel like I thought I was somewhere that I'm not. I don't feel like my teachers understand how important acting is to me. And the truth is, I could try alot harder when it came to observations and journals and plays of the month. I slacked so much this quarter. But its because I'm so ready to just...work. I want to work. And I know thats stupid because by not focusing on what I'm doing now, I'm just shooting myself in the foot. But it's hard. And now its the end of the year, and I feel like I didn't make the most of it. I don't feel like I've done as much as I could have. I hope that this summer will help me and give me new perspective and motivation. I hope that I learn alot. With acting and just with life in general. I hope that I come back with so many good lessons and motivation and reason to kick senior years ass. And I hope, that I do well with whatever I am cast as in the fall production. I have definete roles that I want to play. But I hope that no matter what happens, I come away from the show feeling like I did everything I could to make it successful and have an impact on the audience.

Aside from that, I'm struggling with balance. Pleasee help me figure out how to balance everything and everyone.

"It's not that I don't wanna share my life with you,baby.
It's just that I'm the one I need to be true to, baby.
And I won't give up me to be part of you.
It's not that I dont wanna have you in my life, baby.
It's just you gotta know that it's got to be right, baby,
Before I open up my heart to you.
I don't need somebody to complete me,
I complete myself.
Nobodys got to belong to somebody else.
I belong to me.
I dont belong to you.
My heart is my posession.
I'll be my own reflection.
I belong to me
I'm one not half of two,
and if you're gonna love me,
then you should know this baby.
I belong to me."

There are a lot of "babys" in that song, and its sung by Jessica Simpson, so hate me if you must, but I like the lyrics.

I miss my sister :(.
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