Last day of A2 week

Jun 23, 2008 21:29

This morning i went to school after the first break but Tasha been calling n texting me non-stoply, i guessed she was desperate. anyways, i ended up listening to celsy n the others 'complimenting' Bayu ( i love the Bayu, Kayu). we were so bored tat we walked around the school with a camera, cels was the photographer. shann n i went to cels' house. Shann gave us a hard time by decided not to go to the prom. but after all the blackmailings n threathenings, she changed her mind from NO to I'll think of it.

We went to the alkhor almeera n we ate the mini cookies from Opera. They were so pretty n they were really nice. honestly, this is the first time i try Opera cookies. thanks to celsy!

I been watching movies for hours this afternoon n striked by a headache. so i went to take a nap, from 3pm till 7pm, 4 hours.  i totally forgot about tonight's movie plan, soweee~ N guess wat, i was so bored n i ended up here!
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