I have this unreasoning fear that someday I'm going to be mentioned in
Media Farm. (God, the Dig has the longest URLs I have ever seen.)
Anyway, speaking of fear, MF has a cage-rattling scoop today. This
Savage Love column ran last week in the Boston Phoenix-minus the lengthy discussion of a recent cover of the Weekly Dig. Whoa! I thought the Dig was making up all this Phoenix paranoia stuff. It is not so! The fear is real.
Media-media roundup: Okay, obviously I don't think Media Farm is puny anymore. Also, I take it back about Jurkowitz. I was told he just needed time to settle in. Also, should I link to the column I apparently am writing? Take this handy quiz. Wait, I have to find out how to make a quiz.
Recent actual, unretouched dreams of Media Ho: (1) "Filth" is moved from the entertainment section of Bay Windows to its news section. (2) The Globe's loathsome Sidekick does not appear on Saturdays, when I can once again find my beloved two-page-spread comics format, the one I grew up with (in the Philadelphia Inquirer, where it could always be found on the last two pages of the last section) and bitterly miss.