Onlookers Repelled
Though it had taken on just a touch of the flat, stale and unprofitable, I wasn't quite ready to lower the boom on the New York Times, but now I shall have to. I think I need to go on a news blackout at least until
Opening Day. It won't be easy, what with streaming
Eklektikos at work and compulsively listening to
Mark & Mark in the bathroom, but it's necessary if I'm not to be gaping, sheet-white witness to Congress making pigs of themselves and half the American public sticking its head up its ass.
I just wonder what sorts of fascist laws they are going to duck down the alley and pass while everyone's glued to the fucking set.
He has a fat lot of regard for human life, by the way. Cutting short his vacation (does he ever work?). He had a lot of regard for human life when he sent 1,521 (
last count) young Americans to their deaths and killed off between
seventeen and nineteen thousand Iraqis. Yeah . . . culture of life.