Pennsic - yeah - yikes

Jul 29, 2008 12:15

I leave for Pennsic Wednesday night - yeah I am so glad to be going and taking time off work
yikes, I have to get everything sewed and packed
I have have been so sick I haven't got things done, my sewing is behind and I haven't packed and I am sure there are other things that are not done as well. I think it is bronchitis but I haven't had time to see the dr to really get it a diagnosis but good things is that I am getting much better, I only have a few coughing fits that sound like my lung will plop out at anytime.
I talked to GS almost every night since he got to Pennsic and he has been working a lot at setting up pavilions and such for the West Camp. Hmmm we (the west camp) need to think how to make it not so hard for those that do the land grab. It's nice to go and have pavilions up but that means only a couple of people actually put them up. oh and I noticed this year most everyone is leaving early yuk that means lots of work for GS, CW, T, F&J, and me to do :-( -- I really need to think about how to make the work load even for everyone attending Pennsic. hmmmm I already have thoughts of work points or schedule hmmmm
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