7/7/7 AND 15 in 15

Sep 06, 2016 18:24

Some friends asked me to do these two authory things on Facebook. Better late than never!

I won't be tagging anyone, because I don't tag, but if you like these, and you want to participate, be my guest. (Cue dancing candlelabras, etc)

The first one is 7/7/7. From the short piece I am drafting for Paradise Icon, here are seven lines of text (ish) from page seven of Everywhere Girl, a near future novel I will get back to some day.

"You know she's going to," Sango said. Gina's anthem about not being anyone's toy, anyone's plaything. A provocative set of lyrics for an Utaumaton who was literally everyone's play thing, as long as they could shell out the yen for her latest incarnation.

The crowd listened politely as Gina continued her speech. "Well, then, everyone, let's have fun tonight, okay? I am so happy to be in Osaka!"


And 15 in 15. Name 15 authors who have influenced your writing. Do it in 15 minutes. Okay...

1. Mervyn Peake
2. Peter Beagle
3. J.R.R. Tolkien
4. C.S. Lewis
5. Charles Dickens
6. Jane Austen
7. Ai Yazawa
8. Mikhail Bulgakov
9. Christopher Kastensmidt
10. Terry Pratchett
11. Alexandre Dumas
12. Caroline Stevermer
13. Pamela Dean
14. Mary Stewart
15. Edward Gorey

That's my list and I'm sticking to it.

Mirrored from Writer Tamago.
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