Mar 11, 2004 18:56
Why do we get our spring break so late? It starts March 29th and ends April 2nd. Oh well. State Solo and Ensemble Festival should be fun this weekend. I’m singing Il mio ben (Paisiello), and Welche Wonne (Mozart). I’m so stupid. I didn’t even tell you all I got a superior at Regionals.
My senior recital is April 3rd at DePaul. For those who don’t know, I’m singing:
Chi vuol la zingarella (Gli Zingari in fiera, Paisiello)
Il mio ben quando verra (Nina pazza per amore, Paisiello)
Nel cor piu non mi sento (La bella Molinara, Paisiello)
Mandoline (Debussy)
Noel des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons (Debussy)
Welche Wonne, Welche Lust (Die Entfuhrung, Mozart)
Wohin? (Schubert)
Standchen (Schubert)
Erster Verlust (Schubert)
Die Forelle (Schubert)
American Lullaby (Rich)
This Little Rose (Roy)
The Lord's Prayer (Malotte)
Ahh! That’s a lot of repertoire…