Nov 12, 2006 20:44
1. Yourself:
short redhead
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (husband/wife):
is depressed ( :( )
3.Your hair:
dark red
4. Your mother:
Type A
5. Your Father:
my personality
6. Your Favorite Item:
laptop computer
7. Your dream last night:
Horrificily terrifying
8. Your Favorite drink:
All Rum :)
9. Your Dream Car:
Fast Red
10. The Room You Are In:
living room
11. Your Ex:
physically abusive
12. Your fear:
screwing up
13. Where you want to be in 10 years:
good job
14. Who'd you hang out with last night?
BC family
15. What You're Not:
Rich, Cool
16. Your Best Friend:
have few
17. One of Your Wish List Items:
MP3 player
18. The Last Thing you did?
watched TV
19. What You Are Wearing:
Yoga Pants
20. Your Favorite Weather:
Warm, sunny
21. Your Favorite Book:
Better Times Than These
22. The Last Thing You ate:
Chicken Salad
23. Your Life:
School oriented
24. Your Mood:
sleepy, sore
25. Your body:
miniscule, proportionate
26. What are you thinking about right now:
new job
27. Your Crush:
not attainable
28. What are you doing at the moment:
..... this thing?
29. Your fall schedule:
is over :P
30. Who will answer this next?
no one