Dismissal of catechumens

Jan 30, 2011 21:31

Hello everyone. Today I was involved in the rite of acceptance into the order of catechumens and afterwards at morning tea there was a discussion about weather or not our parish should dismiss the catechumen (which is only me, the other woman is a candidate). Some were for and some against. I don't really mind either way - I don't receive communion so I don't really mind if I miss out to study more in depth the Word of God. Anyways my question is what is the history of the dismissal? How did it arise and why? I thought it was because the consecration was a very holy thing and one had to be initiated in order to take part. The more information you can give me the better, links or references are also good. The information I can find on the internet doesn't really explain in well enough.

conversion, history

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