Like whoa, Meghan doesn't write in her LJ...
But I was much too amused by this article, particularly the last paragraph as I sit around waiting to go to Mass. The article is an opinion piece on the Latin Mass that can be found- The real highlight though is this paragraph-
"It’s easy enough to see where this is going: same God, same church, but separate camps, each with an affinity for vernacular or Latin, John XXIII or Benedict XVI. Smart, devout, ambitious Catholics - ecclesial young Republicans, home-schoolers, seminarians and other shock troops of the faith - will have their Mass. The rest of us - a lumpy assortment of cafeteria Catholics, guilty parents, peace-’n’-justice lefties, stubborn Vatican II die-hards - will have ours. We’ll have to prod our snoozing pewmates when to sit and stand; they’ll have to rein in their zealots."
This humors me greatly, yet I doubt anyone reading this will agree or even get why it's so freaking funny to me. But anyone who knows me, knows I'm so the "smart, devout, ambitious Catholic" (HA HA) that wants the Latin Mass. But I'm about to go sit with a "lumpy assortment of carfeteria Catholics" at Mass. But actually I think I'm the ambivalent sort, who if given the choice would attend a Latin Mass on Sunday and an English Mass on Saturday. That would be great fun.... Wanna know what to buy me to make my life complete? A Latin Missal....
ANyway, I think I'm off to 8:30 Mass at St. Stephen's because I'd probably fall asleep before the 10am Mass at Holy Family....
I'm feeling so joyously Catholic this morning!