Why I won't vote for Giuliani

Mar 30, 2007 12:24

So I was listening to a few minutes of Rush Limbaugh the other day, (Yes, I do occassionally flip on Rush Limbaugh. I think it's irresponsible to not try to understand how those with whom you disagree think... or at least what such people say) and I heard a radio ad from the Rudy Guiliani for President campaign.

In the midst of all other things he said, Giuliani declared himself to be an adherent of supply-side economic policies.

Economically, I therefore fear that a Giuliani presidency would be more of the same that we have now- playing fields tilted in favor of the rich, making it easier for the rich to get even richer while keeping it hard- or becoming even harder- for the poor, working poor, and working classes to progress.

Thus far, Edwards, of all people, looks like a very attractive candidate, especially in terms of economics.
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