Another meme

May 29, 2011 15:44

35 Juicy Questions Survey from

Why did you and your last bf / gf break up? - he was a terrible boyfriend and I deserved better
If you could see your future in a movie, would you watch it? - no- I'd feelk resigned to that fate
What Country and City are you from? - Seattle, USA
Do you regularly indulge in drugs? If so, what? i.e Dope, Ectasy - no.
Plans for the weekend? - Clean, take surveys, kiss my baby
Have you organised plans for summer break / new years? - no
What type of boys / girls are you attracted too? - my husband. I never really had a "type" but my husband is hot and nice :)
Three things you would want if you were stranded on an island? - my family, a grocery store, a house
If you won a holiday but had to choose either a cruise ship or resort, what would you choose? - resort, easy
Favourite colour? - pink and purple
What makes you angry? - close-minded people
Have you ever been in a protest? - protest- no. peace-march- yes
Do you drive? If so, what type of car? - yes- a manual
If your bestfriend and boyfriend needed you, honestly who would you choose? -
One thing that annoys you about your best friend / boyfriend? - when he's stubborn (I'm stubborn too)
If you could ask someone any question you want, what would it be? -
If you won lotto would you still work? - NO
What are thre first three big purchases you'd make after winnning lotto? - house, car, vacation
Random crazy thing you daydream about? - winning the lotto
Are you at home, work...? - home, I don't have any free time at work
Longest relationship? - 6 years and counting!
Names that you love? - Alana, Sola, Audrey
Do you perfer a beer or spirit mix (vodka, bourbon)? - I don't drink alcohol
(realistically) I'm wanting: - a better job
Current obsession: - perfume or tea
Fav quote: -
I'm worried about: - my job
Next thing I want to buy: - teeth whitener
What's your fav type of music? - don't have one, I like many types
Have you ever met anyone famous? - Alex Trebek, Candice Cameron
Fav singers / bands? - John Mayer
Fav famous person? - Reese
Any ideas for your wedding? - already happened
Do you have a crush on anyone? Name of that person.. - Allen
Song that has the best memories to it? - too many to list

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meme, bored

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