[1] You;;
1. Most people call you?: Catherine
2. When's your birthday?: January 4
3. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?: Yes- I've only lowlighted it twice.
4. What are you complimented on most?: um... probably.. I don't know.
5. What do you do for fun?: workout, kiss my baby, hang out with the husbamd
[2] Family;;
1. Are your parents still together?: Yes.
2. How old are your siblings, if you have any?: 29
3. Are you the tallest one in your family?: lol, no
4. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?: I'm named after my mom's BFF
5. How many letters are there in your last name?: Eleven
[3] Friends;;
1. Do you have a lot of friends?: Enough to keep me busy
2. What do you guys do when you're together?: happy hour
3. Have you ever lost a friend because of something stupid?: sure
4. Have you made any new friends this year?: no, I don't have time for the friends I do have.
5. Who's the last friend you hung out with?: Kim/Em/Nikki about two months ago
[4] Your Best Friend;;
1. How'd you meet him/her?: My husband? I met him at the gym
2. Do you live near each other?: we live WITH each other
3. How long have you been best friends?: since 2005
4. Do you tell him/her everything?: yep
5. Would you do anything for them?: sure
[5] Boyfriend/Girlfriend;; (Skip if single...)
1. How long have you liked this person?: Six years now! OMG!
2. How long have you been going out?: almost six years
3. Who asked who out?: He asked me.
4. Do you love him/her?: Yes.
5. Do you think you'll be together forever?: lol, yesssss...
[6] Single Life;; (Skip if taken...)
1. How long have you been single?: --
2. Who ended your last relationship?: --
3. Do you wish you were in a relationship?: --
4. As of today, do you like anyone?: --
5. If so, do you think it'll go anywhere?: --
[7] Who's;;
1. A person you'd travel across the country to see?: My husband?
2. Someone you would do anything for?: my family
3. Someone you'd die for?: Alana
4. A person you've known for your entire life?: My brother
5. Your favorite person?: too many to list!
[8] Have You Ever;;
1. Sang a solo in front of a large audience?: It was one sentence, but yeah.
2. Been in trouble with the cops?: No
3. Got a tattoo?: No
4. Kicked a guy in the junk?: No
5. Pretended to be happy?: Heck yeah
[9] Do You Believe;;
1. In God?: yes
2. In Satan?: yep
3. That everything happens for a reason?: sure
4. In love at first sight?: no- lust, but not love. Love takes time
5. That there's such a thing as true love?: I believe it it now!
[10] School;;
1. What grade are you in?: not in college
2. Do you get good grades?: decent grades- wish I would've had the time/energy to try harder. I did pretty well especially considering that I went to school FT, worked FT, and went through various other struggles like a long commute, depression, pregnancy, having a kid etc.
3. Are you the teacher's pet?: --
4. Have you ever been sent to the principal's office?: no
5. Do you plan on going to college?: done
[11] Work;; (Skip if you don't have a job...)
1. How long have you been working at your job?: a year
2. What do you do there?: I resource humans. I recruit and do benefits stuff.
3. What's your favorite part about it?: 3:00pm and every other Thursday
5. Do you think you'll work there your entire life?: NO. God no. NO NO NO.
[12] Pets;;
1. What was your first pet's name?: not saying
2. Do you currently have any pets?: a Allengator
3. Do you always remember to feed/water them?: totally
4. Have you ever had a pet fish?: sure
5. What's the strangest animal you've had for a pet?: my Allengator
[13] Last Time You...;;
1. Told someone you loved them?: today
2. Had sex?: yesterday. So long ago...
3. Drove a car?: Friday
4. Went to Burger King?: a month? We live right by one.
5. Made someone cry?: I make someone cry every day when I discipline her
[14] Yesterday;;
1. What did you do?: worked out and hung out with Allen and Alana
2. Was it a good day?: any day with Allen and Alana is great
3. Did you hang out with any friends?: no, they live far away.
4. Did you get in any trouble?: No.
5. Was it better than today?: different
[15] Today;;
1. What day is it?: Sunday
2. Did you do anything fun?: vacuum?
3. Did you have to work?: No
4. Where did you go?: Nowhere
5. What are you doing tonight?: nothing
[16] If...;;
1. Someone handed you a million dollars what would you do?: pay off debt, buy a new house, buy new cars and hook up people who deserve it.
2. Your parents told you tomorrow morning you were moving across the country, what would your reaction be?: Have fun- I'll miss you
3. You have free gas for 2 months where do you go?: Nothing new- I already drive too much
4. You had to get married tomorrow, who would you marry?: ....Allen...
5. Smoking weed was legal would you do it?: No
[17] Food & Drink;;
1. What's your favorite food?: umm... anything with soy involved.
2. What about drink?: tea
3. Do you drink pop/soda?: rarely
4. What's the last thing you cooked/made for yourself?: a Foster Farms corndog :)
5. Are you a good cook?: good enough
[18] TV/Movies;;
1. What's the last movie you saw in theatres?: The Fighter
2. What about at home?: Bring it on
3. Do you go out to movies a lot?:No- I have a toddler
4. Who's your favorite character from your favorite TV show?: ?
5. Do you watch a lot of TV?: lol, no
[19] Music;;
1. What are your 3 favorite songs?: eh
2. Do you like the song 'Candy Kisses' by Amanda Perez?: No- I've never heard it so therefore I don't like it.
3. Have you been to any good concerts?: John Mayer
4. Who's the lead singer of your favorite band?: John Mayer
5. What do you think of the band Paramore?: they're fine?
[20] Surveys;;
1. How many surveys do you take a day?: I only take a few every few monthss
2. What's your favorite kind of survey?: ?
3. What's your least favorite kind?: ones for highschoolerss
4. Have you ever made your own survey?: sure
5. How was this survey?: okay
10 Category Countdown About YOU
SECTION ONE: your personality
1. Are you more funny or serious?: depends
2. Do you think you're mature for your age?: sure
3. What's one thing people seem to dislike about your personality?: some say I'm "too nice"
4. What about something people seem to like?: ...that I'm nice ;)
5. How much does it take to make you cry?: depends
6. Are you patient or do you have a bad temper? Or are you like me; patient with certain things, but horribly bad tempered with others?: decently patient
7. Are you good with kids? Particularly babies and toddlers?: with my own
8. Who in your family is your personality most like?: Dad's
9. What's one celebrity/cartoon character/famous person in general whose personality reminds you of your own?: nobody
10. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?: realistic
SECTION TWO: your appearance
1. What color eyes do you have?: green
2. What color hair?: brown
3. How tall are you?: 5’2".
4. What's your skin color?: White.
5. What's your weight?: 107ish
6. How do you feel about your looks? Ever felt different than you do now?: I go back and forth about my nose
7. Do you wear makeup? If so, what?: foundation
8. What's your clothing style like?: it varies based on my mood
9. Do people compliment your appearance a lot?: I don't really notice- I'm not one of those people who remembers compliments. Of course, my husband does.
10. Any noticeable scars that have cool stories?: No
1. Compared to others, do you think you have more or less than most people?: the same
2. How old is your oldest friend? What about youngest?: no clue, sorry
3. Who are your closest friends?: Allen, Melanie, Kim, Emily, Nikki, Deanna, Deirdre
4. Would you date any of your friends?: Allen is hot
5. Who is one friend you can call at 3:00 AM for something important and expect them to help?: Melanie
6. Where did you meet most of your friends?: school
7. Who comes first-- friends or family?: hard to answer- my friends are like family to me
8. If you were dating someone all your friends hated, what would you do?: Don't know
9. How do you keep in touch with your friends?: texting
10. Last friend you hung out with?: Kim, Em and Nikki in early April
SECTION FOUR: your love life (or lack thereof)
1. Are you single or taken?: married
2. Are you happy with it?: he's amazing
3. Ever been cheated on or cheated? How did it go?: n/a
4. What personality traits are a must in a partner?: everything Allen has
5. What are some absolute turn-offs?: drugs, alcohol, someone who is a jerk- especially to waitresses
6. Longest relationship you ever had?: 6 years and counting
7. Are you a virgin?: lol, I have a kid
8. Would you date a friend's ex?: I don't know- did any of y'all date Allen?
9. Are you crushing on anyone currently?: Allen
10. Who ended your last relationship?: me.
1. Favorite family member?: all
2. Are you closer to your mom's side of the family or dad's?: Dad's
3. Are your parents married?: Yes.
4. How many siblings do you have? Are you close to them?: One, yes.
5. Where is most of your family located?: Seattle
6. Who usually hosts the holidays?: Mom
7. Are any of your great grandparents still alive?: No.
8. Who are you closer to, your mom or your dad?: Dad
9. What are your parents' occupations?: mom is retired, dad is an associate editor
10. Do you have any family pets?: my parents have a Betsy
SECTION SIX: last time you...
1. Got stitches?: end of March, when I had my wisdom teeth out
2. Cried?: don't know
3. Had a fight with someone you cared about?: this week, it sucked because we fight so infrequently
4. Screamed at the top of your lungs?: ?
5. Listened to your favorite song?: ?
6. Ate?: recently
7. Hugged someone?: 2:30
8. Watched a movie?: today
9. Broke a bone?: Never.
10. Drove?: Friday
1. What religion are you?: Christian
2. How long have you been practicing?: Forever
3. Ever converted from another religion? Which?: Well, I was a Catholic growing up, but now I'm more Lutheran
4. What do you think happens after death?: we go to Heaven, if we believe in Jesus
5. Do you believe in a higher power?: we've established this
6. What about demons and angels?: yes
7. Are you spiritual?: yes
8. Do you own any holy texts? If so, what?: The Bible
9. Were you brought up religious?: yes
10. Would you convert to your husband's/wife's religion if they asked?: He doesn't really have one- he belives in God.
1. Favorite fast food restaurant?: sounds so gross right now
2. Favorite type of candy?: don't have one
3. Do you like home cooked meals or eating at restaurants?: home-cooked
4. Least favorite foods?: celery
5. Favorite foods?: tofu
6. Who is the best cook you know?: Deanna and her mom kicka ss
7. What do you normally eat for breakfast?: nuts
8. Do you like sweet or salty foods more?: salty
9. Do you enjoy cooking?: sometimes
10. Last food you prepared?:
1. First job?: tutoring kids in reading
2. Ever been fired? Why?: yep- long story, but my high school schedule conflicted with the hours- they were having me work until 11 on school nights etc.
3. Ever quit a job? Why?: well, I obviously have, because this isn't my first job
4. What do you want to do for a living?: depends on which day you as me.
5. Do you like your current job?: see above
6. What's your uniform look like?: I wear what I want
7. How long have you been working there?: more than a year
8. Do you like your boss?: Lynn- yes
9. What about your co-workers?: mostly
10. Ever stole something from your work place?: pens
SECTION TEN: currently
1. What time is it?: 4:02.
2. What mood are you in?: blah
3. What's the weather like?: rainy
4. What's your desktop wallpaper?: Alanapillar
5. What instant messenger(s) are you signed onto?: none
6. What clothes are you wearing?: sweats and a tee-shirt from Hawaii
7. How is your hair styled?:curly
8. What makeup do you have on?: none
9. Who are you talking to?: nobody
10. Are you enjoying this survey?: no