A collection of random thoughts

Sep 06, 2010 16:05

Air mail
I miss Aeropostale when it was geared at college-aged youth. The clothes were cuter and much more appropriate for me. Recently, I learned that originally it was geared at college students who couldn't afford a lot of clothing but they found by marketing research that the audience they were reaching was actually the teeny-bopper group, so they changed their clothing. Too bad, I liked affordable clothes that are actually of a good quality. Their polos and plain tees have potential, even for an old person like me, but the rest of their collection seems to be too young for me.

Sick baby

Alana got sick on Wednesday night and has been intermittently sick since then.

I brought her into bed to cuddle with me and she subsequently puked all over me, three times. It made me come to the realization that being a mom kicks ass because your kid can puke all over you and instead of being grossed out, you pull them closer to comfort them and let them finish barfing on you. When she was done vomiting, I brought her upstairs and into the bathroom to clean her off, and then asked Allen to give her a bath.

But get this- I wore her vomit for about a half an hour without even wiping myself off. It wasn't a priority. I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, I'm just trying to say that being a mother is amazing.

As a result of Alana's sickness, I am sick and my dad is sick as well.

Good luck moving up cause I'm... moving out

We almost have all of our debt (barring student loans- those follow you until you die) paid off and therefore could really move out at any point. There are so many factors that we have to take into consideration when it comes to moving out. I won't get into that right now, because it's honestly too long and involved. However, it feels good to almost be there.

Casual writing

I don't edit my writing on my blog, use casual language and type in more of a "stream of consciousness" style. Sometimes I feel bad about it, until I realize that throughout my entire schooling, and even still at work, I use a more professional style. I compose hundreds of emails a day at work and when I get home, I'm sick of composing more "business-like" communications. Besides, it's my blog and I want it to reflect my personality; I want my voice to be heard.

Another tale from HR

We interviewed a girl on Tuesday for a position in our department. We asked her a pretty standard question- "how do you deal with people who are rude and condescending?" Her answer? "I don't. I just avoid talking to them and working with them."

Honestly, some of these interviews we've conducted and responses to supplemental questions we've received have made me wonder how I was unemployed for so long. Must've been God's way of telling me he wanted me to be a SAHM for a little longer!

Just leave me alone! Go sit on the couch!

(that's what Alana tells us when she's pooping in the corner, and wants privacy)

Alana has expressed a lot of interest in potty training so we purchased her a potty. We're not going to pressure her to potty train- she's only two- but we'll make the potty available to her if she wants it.


sick, hr, milestones, alana, shopping, allen, work

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