Three minutes later.

Feb 09, 2010 16:25

I applied for an HR position at 3:42 and received a call at 3:45. I was impressed. He did a bit of a phone screening. I don't know how I did because I was so taken aback by the call but I hope that means my answers were natural instead of forced. They're looking to fill the position immediately, he told me, and would follow up with me by the end of the week.

When they asked my salary range, I told him the lowest acceptable wage and he said it was lower than their range, which was good. Come on, baby, Mommy needs a new place to live!

He told me they were really looking to get someone into HR and help them grow in the field. Um, hello, that's me! Ooh, ooh pick me!

Anyone happen to know someone who works at Minor & James, preferrably in the HR Department??

I'm on a roll, I had better keep applying, Alana willing.

interview, alana, job hunt

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