
Nov 19, 2009 17:28

Allen said the interview went fine. He doesn't know exactly how to pin it. They didn't ask him any knowledge questions. He said they focused on how you deal with other people and diversity (which Allen is amazing at. He grew up around so many different races and socio-economic statuses).

I have applied for an additional 1.5 million jobs this week with no responses. 'Tis the season (err.. economy) right? I try not to get too attached to any one posting because I know there's a snowball's chance in hell I'll get it, even if I'm qualified for it, but there are a couple I REALLY want. One is at the Employment Security Department (which I am qualified for)- it would be a government job with good pay and benefits and would be Human Resources-y. So much advancement potential! The other one is for a training specialist at Starbucks Corporate. I ADORE training people. If I do say so myself, I'm a pretty good trainer. I'm thorough and approachable, and good at understanding their level of readiness and current knowledge. I even had a former Starbucks employee give me a free appetizer (scallops!) at his new place of employment because he said I was so good to him while training him. In other words, I love training people and doing so for my favorite company I've worked for would be amazing! Anyone know someone at Starbucks Corporate? ;D

But again, I don't want to get attached to any specific posting. That's a pre-recession thing to do.

I'm now down 1.5 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight but the important thing is I have lost inches all over my body. It feels great to be thin again, and more importantly- healthy! I still have a ways to go, more muscle to gain and more body fat to lose but it feels great. It's also nice to go to the gym and know the people working there ;D

Allen gets the day after Thanksgiving off! It will be his first day off in... forever really. We're toying with the idea of going Black Friday shopping early morning. We'd be a good team- Allen can muscle his way through a crowd and I can slip my way through. Seriously, I have this hidden talent of finding my way through crowds quickly. We might not go, though, because we don't want to die.

Things at home are okay. I still miss my clothes, privacy, and freedom but I've been praying that God will help me be appreciative of the time I have with my parents because I will never get this much time with them again. It's hard to always appreciate it, so I keep praying for it.

I haven't seen any of my friends lately. I've been busy and in mommy-mode, but I miss everyone dearly. You just get into habits and a month goes by before you realize you haven't seen anyone. It's almost like you have to set an alarm of your phone that says "contact friends."

Alana is doing well. She can identify all of the pictures in Brown Bear (by pointing, like "Alana, where's the purple cat?"), can point to certain colors, knows which drawing is Mommy and which is Baby, knows some animal sounds etc. She's very bright.

Getting tired of sitting on the computer. TTFN!

tl; dr, job hunt, allen

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