The bad and the good

Nov 07, 2009 23:52

 I'll do the bad first, to get it out of the way, and then the good, because I like to end on a good note.

The Bad:
Allen was supposed to get Sunday off- his first day in about a month, and his manager promised him Sundays off from now on, so he'd at least have one day, and it would be football day, huzzah! Everybody wins!

On Tuesday, his manager, Jared, finds out it is his last day and he will be transfered to the Downtown location in two hours. Yes, Allen's company makes moves quickly. This is bad not only because Jared was really good to Allen (taking him golfing, working with his schedule, helping him to succeed by giving him better shifts and a few memberships) and the guy they were getting in return, Glenn, has a poor reputation. Okay- so it's a reputation, and some of us earn a poor one unfairly.

So, on Thursday, I went into the gym and started chatting with the front desk guy. Front desk guy introduces me to Glenn. "Hey, Glenn, this is Allen's wife."

Me- "Nice to meet you, Glenn!"

Glenn-"Hi." (to the front desk guy) "Whose wife?"

Front Desk Guy- "Allen's."

Me- (playfully) "you know, Allen... your top sales employee... the best employee you've ever had."

Glenn- (blank stare)

Me- "okay, well, nice to meet you Glenn, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around a lot."

Glenn- (nods)

Today, Allen found out he no longer had Sunday off because the new guy's wife is having a baby. That's fine, a little disappointing, but if anyone can understand that, it's Allen. But it gets worse. Glenn tells him he wrote the schedule and Allen cannot have any Sundays off, and his next day off will be the 27th. Apparently, Glenn also messed up everyone else's schedule, and everyone was upset. Of course, nobody acted upset, they just expressed to Glenn the reasons behind their availability restrictions. Glenn's schedule interfered with their 2nd jobs, schooling, family obligations etc. There is adequate coverage for the days people need off. Allen explains to Glenn how the schedule normally looks providing both adequate coverage and accommodating the employee's needs. Glenn gets angry and announces to everyone "if you don't like it, you can seek employment elsewhere."

Glenn calls Jared to ask him about how the schedule works and evidently, Glenn had completely forgotten to schedule Bill, meaning there would be adequate coverage on Sunday, just like Allen said. Not wanting to look like an ass, or maybe just because he wants to establish himself as an authoritarian, Glenn stands firm that Allen will not have Sundays off. Asshole.

The Good:
Allen comes home, pissed off, and checks his email. He has a letter from Harborview wanting to set an interview for Thursday morning for a Dietary Technician position. Praise Jesus! He works from 3:30-7:30 on Thursday, so the morning is perfect! Also, the wage of this position would be perfect to help us move out (we crunched numbers like the dorks we are and came up with how much we'd collectively need to earn to move out, and this job pays a little more than half of this amount. Now it's my turn!).

Please pray for a good interview for Allen! Allen is a really, really good man. He takes such good care of me and doesn't bitch about having 203894 jobs (like I would). He's very intelligent and would be a great Dietary Tech, so pray that his interview goes well!

Also, tonight we went out as a family to celebrate my brother's girlfriend's birthday (although her birthday was 10/31) before she leaves for London tomorrow. It was so great to see her. I miss her a lot, and I loved seeing her and my brother together. What a blessing!

I'm still working out as hard as ever, and although I ate like CRAP today (Old Spaghetti Factory with Desiree for lunch and Calamity Jane's for dinner) I am seeing some definite changes in my body. Things are firming up (as good as they can, being post-partum and all) and mentally I'm feeling great about the changes in my body. I feel less stress and although I am exhausted, I can wake up more easily in the morning to go workout. Working out feels amazing and gives me alone time to regroup and collect my thoughts.

Alana caught a virus mid-week from a baby at the gym daycare and her sickness was hard on all of us. The good in this is that on Thursday, my mom offered to watch Alana in the morning while I exercised (because I couldn't take her to the daycare with a virus) and later let me have a 30 minute nap because she knows how hard it is to have a sick kid. I really do love my mom. She's a good woman, even though she sometimes drives me nuts. Another good thing, Alana is all better now!

I got the H1N1 mist on Thursday and Alana has an appointment to receive the shot on Wednesday morning. While I wrestled much with the decision of whether to vaccinate Alana or not, I feel confident with my decision to vaccinate, especially after her recent viral scare.

Finally, I'm having my thyroid checked because I have a LOT of signs of thyroid problems (thanks, Momma.Brown) and while I don't want to have any more health problems, it sure would explain a lot! I am exhausted all of the time, losing hair, have carpal tunnel, anxiety, recurring depression, am always cold, insomnia etc. Not sure when I'll get the results back. This is a good thing because, as I said, it would sure explain things and seems like an easy fix.

Sorry, I don't edit my entries any more. I know my writing has gone downhill but I just do not have the time or energy to edit!

tl;dr, prayer request, john, alana, sad stuff, updates, insomnia, job hunt, happiness, allen

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