A conversation with my crappy doctor's office

Nov 02, 2009 13:14

 Me: Hi, I'm calling because I had an appointment on Wednesday and my doctor was supposed to refill my prescription for birth control but she didn't, and now I've been out since Sunday.

Lady: Okay, what is the prescription for?

Me: The mini-pill

Lady: The what?

Me: The mini-pill

Lady: ......

Me: It's a birth control pill I take because I'm breastfeeding

Lady: ...and what is it?

Me: The mini-pill. It's called "Errin."

Lady: (getting agitated, 'cause I guess it's my fault that she works there and doesn't know what a mini-pill is)  Can you spell that for me?

Me: E-r-r-i-n

Lady: P-r-r-i-n?

Me: No, "e" as in "elephant", r-r-i-n

Lady: T-r-r-i-n?

Me: No, "e" as in "elephant"...r-r-i-n

Lady: (even more agitated) is it TEE-r-r-in or PEE-r-r-i-n?

Me: EEE, as in "elephant" r-r-i-n

Lady: OH, "E" as in "ELEPHANT." ERRIN??

Me: Yes, Errin.

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