Girl's Night!

Aug 15, 2009 23:55

Allen and I drove up to Tor and Leah's house in Mill Creek. The boys played Poker while Daisy (Steve's gf), Michelle (Jesse's wife), and Leah (Tor's gf) and I sat around and talked. Michelle's son, Aden, is exactly 2 months younger than Alana. Leah's baby, Makenzie, is 3 weeks old. Daisy has no baby but I love the girl, she's super sweet. Allen talks on the phone with Steve for a long time about sports (mostly because Steve talks a lot!!!).

We talked about life as mommies. It's good to share experiences with women who understand. I especially value Michelle because she knows how hard it is to be a SAHM. Somehow society wants SAHMs and moms in general to be perfect and value every last second with their LO (not that I don't value it all, it's just extremely stressful at certain points and you don't get ANY time to yourself) but while it's amazing and the best thing ever, it's also frustrating. Man, I'm going to miss Michelle.

Oh, and a random Leah fact. Leah is best friends with a girl named Meagan, who...get this... was in Melanie's wedding! Weird, right? Leah is from CA and lives in Mill Creek and Meagan lives down in Lakewood. Small world.

Anyways, that was a pathetic attempt at an update.

Goodnight :D

alana, leah, daisy, girlie stuff, jesse, steve, tor, happiness, allen, aden, michelle

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