OMG I can't stand it!

Aug 14, 2009 11:00

Remember my friend, Ashley, who lost her baby at 36 weeks?

She emailed me this morning and said "attached is an u/s picture of our little blessings." There was no picture attached but she said BLESSINGS. With an "s." That means there are two, or more! I am sooo excited for her. One thing her and I always had in common was our deep deep desire for kids, and I was heartbroken when she lost Maddy at 36 weeks. I pray for her a lot, and she deserves all of God's blessings. I'll update as soon as I have the u/s picture. Way to grow 'em, Ashley!!

Another update, I won the BellyBar Contest! That means I have to take Rebecca out for lunch at some point! I apologize, finances are going to be tighter than they already are (grrr) so it won't be for about a month and a half, but I totally owe you lunch, Rebecca. THANK YOU!

brag, ashley, rebecca, happiness

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