(no subject)

Jul 01, 2009 14:53

My poor brother.

He took D-amphetamine for years for his severe ADHD and as a result is losing teeth. They're rotting right out of his mouth. No matter how much he brushes and flosses, they still rot out. Even though he hasn't been on the medicine for years now, they still rot. He had a toothache on Sunday that was so bad he could barely function (and no dental insurance). He had to go into a free clinic at 6am on Monday and was there for 5 or 6 hours while he waited and they worked on him. He has to go back once more (a total of three appointments) for his final appointment next Wednesday. They're going to save the tooth, but his teeth will ALWAYS be rotting out of his mouth.

I'm obsessive about my teeth. I brush twice daily (at least) and floss at least once. My teeth are so important to me and it breaks my heart that no matter WHAT he does, his will never be nice.

Times like these, I wish I was rich enough to pay for him to have his teeth fixed. It breaks my heart for him. He's had a tough, uphill battle with his ADHD and his life in general, and I just wish that *something* would go right for him. Life has dealt him a pretty tough hand.

john, family, sad stuff

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