
Feb 09, 2009 11:21

Today Allen's grandma, Elsie, is having knee surgery. She's 88 (I think) and will be in the hospital for 3 days, then recovery at another facility for 2 weeks.

Allen's grandpa, Merwin, is having radiation on his bladder tomorrow. He's 98. My loving husband is in Everett right now taking care of them. We don't know what is going to happen during these next two weeks. We do know that radiation is killer on a young person, and Mer is 98. His wife is going to be gone.

I offered to go up there with him today, because Elsie and Mer are amazing people that are like real grandparents to me, and I love them a lot. Allen said it would just be difficult to have Alana and I there because there would be a lot of driving etc and I agree, so I stayed home.

I'm not sure what we're going to do or where we'll be for the next few weeks. Allen doesn't want to be away from his family (aka Alana and I) for too long AND his grandparents don't have internet so he can't exactly search for jobs. Someone needs to be there for Merwin during his recovery, because Elsie won't.

We're just going to play it by ear for the next few weeks and do what we need to do. The issue with driving out there every day is gas and wear and tear on his car, which is at about 200k miles. Neither of us have any income right now so we can't really afford it. Too bad it's in Everett, because that makes everything more difficult. Also, things don't only happen to people during the day. Mer might need help at night.

However, we love them very much and want to do all we can to help them out. I support any decision Allen makes in regards to this situation.

That's what's going on.

alana, sad stuff, allen

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