(no subject)

Aug 14, 2008 15:29

The gym is calling, but my phone's on silent.
Sitting here, Alana sawing logs on the couch beside me, waiting for her to wake up so I can go work out. Unfortunately, I'm so tired and want to nap right with her. I might skip the gym today in favor of a nap. I'm just worn out. The damn thing about working out is that working out gives you energy, but you also need energy to work out.
AW: my soaps
sparklysadness sent me these delicious smelling soaps about a month ago! I never did thank her publicly, but that are sooo nice. I'll have to post a picture, they're HUGE!
I've been using the pineapple one lately. My "break" for the day is that I turn off the lights and light a candle when I shower. Alana usually sleeps in her bouncy chair and I use my pineapple soap and escape. It makes my skin softer than any soap I've used. I think Missy's started me on an addiction, here.
Thanks, again!!!!

More later.

exercise, miscellaneous, tired

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