Random Thoughts from an Eternally Sleeping Mind

Jun 13, 2008 01:55

* I'm still here. Alana is still in me.

* I will read friend pages, probably tomorrow. I tried tonight, but can't concentrate on it. I want to read Rachel's "About Me" meme thingie, among other things. I'm glad at least one person did it :o)

* How can I be so damn tired and not be able to sleep? Sigh.

* All I can think about is the baby. I spend almost all of my waking hours thinking about baby stuff and pregnancy. Mucus plugs, inductions, epidurals, waters breaking, contractions, huge breasts...

* When I was in the shower today, I decided to scub the door clean (it was well-ventilated, promise). The shower needs a good overall cleaning, but I can't bend over long enough to do it. Allen has done a lot of work picking up the house, but I can't wait to get a good scrub on.

* I did cut my toenails yesterday with no trouble, and shaved my legs. It's helpful that I am carrying all out front.

* I didn't end up spending the night in the hospital.

* Only one of the girls on the Nest that share my due date has had their baby. Her situation is different though, she had to be induced due to pre-e. No thanks on the induction. June 17th babies like the uterus. There are four of us still left.

* I'm too little to be this damn big. Fer serious.


pain, pregnancy

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